Monday, February 10, 2014

Cable television will be the driver of the market - Russian Newspaper

In Russia develops multistructure television broadcasting, but the driver of the market will be cable TV. This opinion was expressed by Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Alexei Volin in the international exhibition and forum CSTB 2014: “We have a radio, cable, satellite, multimedia and IPTV. But the driver in the coming years will be cable TV, it is able to provide interactivity and a large set of channels. Now we have 360 ??Russian channels “.

According to the president of Cable TV Association of Russia Yuri Pripachkin, pay-TV market grew in 2013 by 13%, while the number of subscribers increased by 32%. According to him, the development of market and state program facilitated the transition to digital broadcasting. “Now there is a symbiosis of the market. We exist 75 operators who will develop an interactive personalized service”.

“We can not consider the development of television in isolation from the processes that occur at the legislative level. A plan laying fiber optic cable in settlements with a population of over one thousand people. This infrastructure will lead to and cable TV – said Alexei Volin . – But that does not change and the problem of the satellite. As part of the construction of digital broadcasting networks first and second multiplex we learned that the most efficient to outreach to 96-97%. Calculations of Karelia and Komi Republic showed that put the satellite population in some remote locations costing 5 times cheaper than digital TV reach there “.

According to the deputy head

ROSCOM Igor Chursina for further development of the market environment is important to the formation of signaling: “Another important parameter – the payment for services. Depending on how a quality environment will transmit a signal will depend on the level of service fee.”


Volin, the situation with free TV now equilibrated. “Before, it was not clear what was meant by free and pay TV. Often we were forced consumers to pay for connection to the Pay and loaded with their advertising. Terms of consumer protection, these models should not be combined, – he said. – The main principle to be followed by the operators – the immutability of quality content in the propagation of the signal in different environments, whether cable, satellite or the Internet. This applies to both information and advertising content “.

According to experts, soon spread television signal will be limitless in different environments. Market advantage given to those operators who can offer the most interesting and relevant content. “Operators need to become multimedia, because there is a mass of information integration products. Operators have two ways of development. First – step back and turning into the main provider that only provides the content over networks. The severity of the content will grow from year to year. Costs its transmission will not be comparable with the proceeds. And the second way – the creation of a full mediaekosistemy operator, in which the user will be able to get any service, “- said the director of fixed-line business and television MTS Dmitry Bagdasarian.

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