Monday, February 10, 2014

MTS: Ryazan people choose digital TV - RIA "MediaRyazan"

In 2013, the total number of digital TV subscribers MTS has quadrupled. The most popular uses of the service subscribers Ryazan, Smolensk, Orel, Kursk and Tver regions. According to the director of the Central territorial subdivision MTS Dmitry Rylova, today more and more people of Central Russia moving to digital broadcasting, which is of high quality images and additional interactive features.
- Significant increase in the number of digital TV subscribers we associate with high quality services and favorable tariff offers MTS – said Rilov. – We actively build and upgrade our network, translate it into new technologies “fiber-to-house.” All existing subscribers of MTS Home TV can take advantage of digital television on favorable terms – when connecting the service we provide free special equipment to receive digital signals.

In November 2013 MTS completely switched to digital TV by connecting new subscribers. MTS increased to 185 the total number of channels available to subscribers, the number of HD-channels increased 2.5 times. By the end of 2013, every third digital TV subscribers of MTS connect additional package of channels, and the most popular of film, sports, children, cognitive and musical packages.

In 2013, MTS in Central Russia gives subscribers a new product based on a batch of fixed networks. Today, residents of Ryazan and Eagle can use the service “Three in one”, combining in one package digital television services, home Internet and home phone from MTS. Offer saves over 30% monthly. In the future, the service will expand the geography – MTS plans to launch services “Three in One” in 2014 in Kaluga, Belgorod, Tambov and other regions of Central Russia.

MTS in Central Russia develops services Home Internet at speeds up to 100 Mbit / s and digital television with the ability to view up to 185 channels, including HD-quality. In the past year as a result of active construction and modernization of the fixed network on modern technology FTTB, more than 165 residents of 000 apartments in the Central Federal District were able to connect to high-speed home Internet services and digital television MTS. Today, high-quality fixed MTS services – home internet and cable TV – available to residents of more than 1.6 million apartment in Central Russia. Among them are such regional centers as Belgorod, Vladimir, Voronezh, Ivanovo, Kaluga, Kursk, Orel, Ryazan, Smolensk, Tambov, Tver, Tula, Yaroslavl. MTS also provides access to fixed-line services to residents some district centers in Central Russia.

More information about the services of home Internet and television can be found on MTS MTS website, by telephone contact center 8-800-250-08 – 90, as well as in the mobile phone stores the operator.

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