most popular source of information in the Tyumen region is the television. 83% of people in the region thanks to him, learn about events. Such sociological data about the popularity of the various media in the audience voiced director of information policy Alexander Novopashin at a meeting of the regional government, which held this week Tyumen Region Governor Vladimir Yakushev.
According to Alexander Novopashina, more TV watching people older than 50 years – 94% in Tyumen and 97% in rural areas.
The rate for young audiences from 18 to 29 years old on average 65% in Tyumen and 73% in rural areas. In second place among the sources of information is the Internet – only 41% of the area. Natural for young people, he is a leader – 76% in Tyumen, 85% in small towns and 74% in rural areas.
Sociologistsinformation-analytical center of Tyumen region noted that compared with 2012, the percentage of those who use the Internet as their primary source of information is in small towns and rural areas. It influenced the regional program “Expanding Horizons” and promotion of a regional network of free internet TumenFree municipalities in the region.
Slight increase of 7% compared with 2012 touched radio. As a source of information in the whole region it is used 35% of the population. According to a study in Tyumen young audience by 8% more as a source of information was the use of the newspaper, 12-13% increase this figure and for middle-aged and older people in small towns.
said at a government presidium meeting Alexander Novopashin, Tyumen region is one of the few subjects of the Russian Federation, in which the coverage of the subscription to the district (city) newspaper reaches a high of 41.1%. Local newspapers in small towns and rural areas in the age category above 50 years are quite popular. This figure is 72% and 60% respectively.
last place in the ranking of sources of information hold hearings. Experts note that in comparison with the previous year there is a significant reduction in the credibility of the source of the young audience in Tyumen and small towns.
specify that answering the question “Where did you mainly learn about events in the life of the field, your community?” respondents could select up to three responses.
Experts asked the residents and the level of satisfaction with information transparency of the executive authorities of the Tyumen region. During the interview questionnaire, which determines the percentage of respondents positively answered the question “How much do you informed about the activities of the regional authorities?” Amounted to 54%.
Governor of the Tyumen region Vladimir Yakushev said information component in the work of government is key.
«It is necessary to continuously inform people about everything that concerns our actions and decisions. Closed so there should be no “- the words of the regional head of its press office.
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