Sunday, February 23, 2014

Viktor Yanukovych lost the second day - Russian Public Television

On the night of Friday to Saturday, the president allegedly flew in Kharkiv, since its location is unknown

second day already knows where the Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.

Recall that on Friday evening the President, together with the opposition leaders signed an agreement on resolving the crisis in Ukraine. Thereafter, the President allegedly flew in Kharkiv, there to meet with members of the south-eastern regions of Ukraine. since then is not known where exactly is Yanukovych.

Presidential adviser Hanna Herman said on Saturday afternoon that the president did arrived in Kharkiv on Saturday night and communicates with the members, but the media were quick to refute this information.

Saturday afternoon, the Verkhovna Rada passed a number of laws, including the return of the 2004 Constitution and the amnesty of the disgraced former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko.

Yanukovych while taking data in reshny absent, resulting in about 19 pm Moscow time, Parliament adopted a resolution on “disengagement Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych to fulfill constitutional obligations and appointed early presidential elections on May 25, 2014.” for this decision at a meeting of the Verkhovna Rada voted on Saturday wali 328 deputies.

worth noting that after Yanukovych yet to announce he said in an interview to Russian journalists that decisions Rada illegal opposition called bandits and said he was not going to shoot as president .

the night from Saturday to Sunday it was reported that Yanukovich on the plane tried to leave the country, but was not released guards. Later this message confirmed Acting Interior Minister Arsen Avakov.

«Yesterday was an incident when a border guard arrested an unidentified plane to fly and there was protection of the president. Once she has undergone an appropriate control procedure, was detained. Plane of President Yanukovych came and sat in the car and drove off in an unknown direction, “- said Avakov reporters on Sunday in Kiev and said he did not know where is the president.

Shedding light on the whereabouts of Yanukovych could eve amnestied and strays from jail Tymoshenko. Media reported that Yanukovych met with her in Kharkov before she got out of prison. But the ex-minister refuted this information.

«If Yanukovych came to my cell, it is from me would not come out, and went to The Hague in chains” – quoted Tymoshenko party’s press service.



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