Federal Service for Chelyabinsk region Impeach network electronics store for the sale of the TV with disabilities. New equipment was delivered to the buyer with damages. Shop now required to pay a large fine, and the buyer to provide a new and a TV.
The long-awaited purchase of a new TV turned to a resident of Chelyabinsk solid disappointment. Having bought in the store a new TV, he discovered that the store’s delivery service brought goods with different mechanical injuries. The buyer refused to accept the package in such a way, but store employees refused to exchange the defective product. Then the man asked for help in Rospotrebnadzor. Audit by the Office, found other violations of the store in the implementation of the sale. In particular, the documents to the TV was missing all of the information provided by the legislation.
– As a result of checks on the store was instituted administrative proceedings in several formulations of the Administrative Code. The total amount of fines imposed was 240 000, – said Acting Head of Consumer Protection Pashevina Tatiana.
We note that the shop tried in court to prove his innocence. However, the arbitration court found the actions of Rospotrebnadzor legitimate and also took the side of the buyer.
Photo: vsenalogi.com
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