Sunday, October 25, 2015

Jail at least where – Russian newspaper

The prisons are in prison in Germany. To get there, few dreams. However, convicted of crimes by foreign criminals prefer to serve his sentence after the process is in the German slammer.

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In Berlin, with a population of 3.2 million is now about 4.5 thousand prisoners placed in five men, one of women’s prisons and to serve his sentence for minors. As told to “RG” Department of Justice spokeswoman Lisa Jani, the minimum prison cells now – 7 square meters per person. The new prison Haydering camera even 10 meters. Every prisoner has the right to a separate cell. Only the threat of suicide prisoners are placed in pairs. Toilet is located behind a partition, shower shared by several cameras, take turns to bathe. From furniture – table, chair, wardrobe, who wants – can put their equipment, television or radio. Every prisoner put least an hour stay outdoors in the day.

Work owe everything. Unsubscribe from this no one is allowed. Various shops are located right in the prison complex. For work put pay about 150-200 euros. With this money, the prisoners can buy soap, powder, cigarettes or sweets at the prison shop. However, the money on hand is not issued. By law, the state is “saving up” prisoners of their own self, that when released from prison, they were able to survive first and always a difficult time.

In his spare time the prisoners can engage in sports clubs and attend various courses, for example, German language. They organize community organizations who care about criminals serving sentences and receiving this government subsidies. Convicts can use any literature banned only dirty magazines, xenophobic, or calling for violence books and periodicals. Each prison meals, vegetarian preferences are taken into account and Muslims. There is a special diet. Serving a sentence have the right to worship. For this prison prayer room is provided.

Each prison meals, vegetarian preferences are taken into account and Muslims, as well as diet

In prisons operate social workers and psychologists. They may be prisoners complain about service staff supervision. The law prescribes visiting relatives at least once a month. Parcels are allowed to take only with food and cigarettes. How often – decides the prison, usually at Christmas and Easter. Mobile phones are banned in prisons. You can call from a phone booth, which is located in the corridor. Only allowed to use the computer in the common room for those who pass distance learning in higher education or vocational retraining. Usually in Germany for good behavior sideltsy are released on the third of the previously defined term. The residue was replaced by punishment “probation”. It was released early under the law attaches state “Assistant passage of probation” which supports in all matters – from finding housing to obtain social assistance or employment.

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