Friday, October 23, 2015

How and where to hang the TV in the bedroom? – Mail.Ru

How to choose a height which optimally should hang the TV in the bedroom? Should I hang the TV in the bedroom, in principle? On these and other questions frequently required competent, reasoned answers.

Do I need a TV in the bedroom? It is difficult to give a definite answer to this question. On the one hand, the quality of sleep he’s absolutely not necessary, but on the other – living conditions do not always allow you to equip a separate room for working or watching TV. Therefore, there is a problem: how to position the TV in the bedroom, how to choose the height and ensure that it is comfortable to watch and lying and sitting, as well as a number of other technical issues.

Do I need a TV in the bedroom ? If you ask the doctor, and the more expert in feng shui – be prepared to hear a negative response. However, good for those who have a choice, and living conditions allow to equip separately – a place to sleep, and separately – the living room, where family members will meet together or separately, to watch TV. But what if this is not possible? Despite the fact that any electronic equipment is not desirable to place where you are going to sleep, avoid this neighborhood is not always possible. So the only thing you have to in this case – is to optimize space and ensure that the TV does not disturb your rest and watching it does not bring any discomfort.

how to position the TV in the bedroom

Hang or place? There two basic ways to place a TV in the room, including the bedroom: to put or hang. This choice is one for you will not do because, as the choice of hanging lamps, he invariably affect your comfort that nemalovazhno.Esli bedroom in front of your bed – a door or window, which, of course, television did not hang up, there is only one thing to put it on the table, dresser or other piece of furniture that is suitable for this purpose. Though if you select for your bed arrangement of feng shui, it is certainly in front of her – the usual blank wall on which is most appropriate will look plasma (however, as mentioned earlier, the same feng shui does not recommend the presence of a bedroom TV or computer) .For order to determine the final choice, conduct an experiment: take his most familiar position on the bed and see where it’s best to drop your look. Remember this place – it coincides with the top edge of the TV screen.

As in what height to hang the TV?

How and at what height to hang the TV? So, the decision was made: the TV in your bedroom will hang on the wall. You’re finally decide, with the help of which you hang it there and at what height position. You can have a lot of ideas on the organization of space in the bedroom, however, this issue should be approached carefully as possible. Why is that? The answer is simple: in order to hang the TV on the wall will have to make a few holes, designed as an under mount and a power outlet. Therefore, if you are not on the first try to guess where it will hang plasma have to redo everything from scratch, it can cause a lot of neudobstv.Kak choose the right height – I mentioned a little higher. If the bedroom is home to more than one person, and you need to adjust a few points of view – the optimum output can be adjustable bracket, which is mounted at a height of about half a meter from the floor, and then adjusted so as you .So you need a way to hang the TV on the cost price more expensive than the ordinary bracket, however, those who chose it to him, there are no problems with the adjustment of the position of the TV depending on the posture in which they watch TV.

How to choose the right height

General recommendations Even If you yourself have already given a positive response to the question of whether to hang the TV in the bedroom, take a bit of time to do it right. Do not forget that, regardless of whether your TV is hanging on the wall or standing on a special stand, the distance from the screen to your eyes should not be less than four times the length of diagonali.Esli doubt exactly where you place the comfortable TV – do not rush to buy the bracket and drill holes in the walls: first, put it on any available piece of furniture and to determine in what direction it is worth considering the location. After that, you can proceed to the final installation.

whether to hang the TV in the bedroom


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