Voronezh, January 28, 2016, 10:42 – REGNUM In the Voronezh region in the court directed the murder case loud elderly couple – the defendants in the case are mother and son. Told IA REGNUM said a senior assistant SU TFR for the region Helen Manukovsky .
According to investigators, the criminals – 38-year-old woman and her 21 old son – twice came to pensioners to rob. For the first time, in the evening January 4, 2015, they entered the house and attacked the 74-year-old mistress: she was beaten and throwing a rope around his neck, started to choke, requiring the pensioner gave them savings. The woman pointed to the coat: pocket criminals found 17 thousand rubles, and then disappeared.
For the second time mother and son came to the elderly spouses of February 12. At this time, the house turned out to be 74-year-old boss. At the time of the attack he was lying on the bed young man she smothered him with a pillow. When the pensioner ceased to show signs of life, he called his mother – together they stole a set of power tools and three commemorative medals.
But it seemed to them insufficient. The hostess at this time was in a nearby housing estate. To entice her, the criminals began to disable and enable the light. When the owner came to his house, a man strangled her. Together with her mother, they took home 60 thousand. Rubles, TV, cell phone, and four bottles of vodka.
At present, the case was sent to court.
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