Who will save?
Today, at 10:52, Views: 2331

Photo: morguefile.com
We meet the New Year in the country, it is a family tradition. I’m going there in advance, buy food, cook. Over the years, I have formed there nailed place for procurement. For example, a meat shop on the highway. The owners brought goods from Tambov region, and for the New Year they are always a great choice. Not just the meat, but also ducks, geese, turkeys.
Last week, I go to them. Countertop half empty. Only pork. Beef, lamb, not at all. And no ducks, geese.
Over the counter before hanging a long list of different types of meat and poultry: how much it costs. Now the list is not present, the TV on the wall.
TV says we all win in Syria and elsewhere.
From TV elation. We are out there fighting, beautiful, correct. For a just cause and with a sword on a horse.
And the empty counter decadent mood.
Right-then we are correct. But it is necessary to eat too.
Scientifically it is called – a dichotomy. Bifurcation. Validity is divided into two disjoint parts. On the fridge and TV.
In 2014 – after the Crimea – definitely won the TV. With money still it was not bad, and the Crimea and the Donbass had still direct reference to our country – geographic, economic, ideological, linguistic, all sorts. Therefore, it was clear for what, in fact, “we are fighting».
in 2015 went on to win a TV, refrigerator and become stronger. Firstly, because the fallen standard of living, and, secondly, because our militancy slid far from our country gave – Syria, Egypt, Iran, Turkey, which are the same abstraction for most people, as the underground cities in the Mars. As a result, the answer to the question “for what, in fact, we are fighting?” Has lost clarity.
There has come 2016. If things remain as they are now, the dichotomy will continue to flatten. And there’s even a chance that the refrigerator did crush the TV.
The power is well aware, of course. But its capabilities are limited. It can be filled to the brim with TV. But to fill the fridge – it does not work.
At the end of December an interesting study conducted Audit Chamber. Meat we provide ourselves by about 80%. Of these, only 14% – beef. But 44% – cheaper chicken with antibiotics and hormones.
With the “milk” is even worse. “The volume of milk in the domestic market does not reach the volume of sustainable consumption. In the dairy industry there is a significant shortage of top-quality milk. Reduced purchasing power of the population shifts demand towards cheaper goods produced using milk substitutes such as palm oil. Its imports grew by approximately 30% ».
With fish, we always bad. Almost everything that is caught is exported. And when we are in this export import something back, it is already so expensive, that is fine, beating kuryami.
What is good, so it is with potatoes. Potato threshold of 95% self-sufficiency exceeded. For the rest of the vegetables is not clear, but the Chamber considers to be normal if the climatic conditions, will arrive at self sooner or later. You just need to learn how the seeds themselves procure. And now we are importing them by 40%, so fully “domestic” called our vegetables too, can not.
The sad, short, paints a picture of the Accounting Chamber. Sanctions on imports of products declined rapidly, and its production is not enough, and the last year in this regard was wasted.
But while winning the TV, it’s not a problem. While winning a TV, a refrigerator is silent. A refrigerator to continue silent, you have to fill. And if you can not fill it, then you have to turn on the TV louder. And this is the way in which, most likely, we’ll go.
2016 New Year met? Gorged to satiety? A salad was? Eats. Ten days you to build fat. We are on the march, so that the next time such an opportunity will not be soon.
There are in fact more distant distances than Syria. Those underground cities of Mars, for example. There’s something we have not rescued anyone and justice are not installed. It is time to take them.

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