Tiny old TV screen blinks, twitches, and finally gives a rippling image. In the air – a popular talk show in black and white. Leading Small, young guests … In this age of huge screens to watch this unusual. The correspondent of “VM” was in the studio collector of vintage TV.
Valeriy Kazakov, a soldier, has long been purposefully collects Soviet postwar tube-technique, and now in his collection of more than a dozen working televisions. It stores them in the basement of a country house.
Valeriy not easily pulls off the shelf 32-pound TV KVN-49. The heavy wooden case seems unsupportable – you can sit on it, it can kill. The tiny screen the size of a palm is located right in the middle of a large wooden box. UIC-49 was designed for the reception of all three programs.
In 1949, the TV was worth 1,200 rubles, then the price has been reduced to 900. The average salary of a good engineer then equaled 600 rubles. Fun, to be sure, is not for everyone.
Valery connects the antenna to the KVN-49, include it in the network, click the large circular toggle switch.
The TV starts to sizzle – heat lamps. And after a minute or two on-screen image appears. Second handle Valery sets a clearer picture of the third adjusts the brightness, the fourth – the contrast.
The whole ritual! Modern TV shows the program without any problems. Launched 67 years ago, the device works great! Is he preserved from the middle of the last century?
– alas, no, – Valery corrects. – Even in the depths of the garage from someone and kept “in oil” a television, switch it will not turn out. Capacitors occasional dry. This copy is made up of several TV sets. To do this I had to use the “donors”. And the search for light, the original cords, covers and decorative elements took me years. That sent me this pen from Nakhodka, a back cover made of cardboard taken from Vladivostok, and the pallet – from Lithuania. But the most difficult part, ray tube factory has returned to the life of an engineer friend of mine.
This is not the only rarity. There Valery TV “Concert”, manufactured rural clubs – and he could picture shows, and radio broadcast, and the plate twist. And next to him – “Leningrad-T2.” This was the room of Professor Tikhomirov in the movie “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears” … Not the basement – a museum! … Home grumble Valery Kazakov – TV tower in the basement garden to the ceiling. Meanwhile, the price collectors working the TV – if it is in good condition, in original equipment – up to 100 thousand rubles. And the price these TVs will continue to grow.
But there is something more important that can not be measured in money – this is our story with you. And contact with the achievements of the past should be respected.

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