In January 2016, banks recorded unusually high demand for postprazdnichnogo period of so-called Russians POS-loans (loans that are available in retail chains). The fact that at the beginning of the year is considered a low financial institutions in terms of the treatment of citizens for loans season. According to “Kommersant”, the volume of such loans to banks, “Renaissance Credit” and “Home Credit and Finance Bank” in January, will be comparable with indicators of November, and Alfa-Bank expects further growth.
In general, Russians make out POS-loans to buy a home and digital technology in an attempt to protect themselves from further price increases caused by the devaluation of the ruble. The same business national currency in the wake of panic in late 2014. However, while the majority of the purchase made on their own savings and not turned to the experts and find out whether it is possible in a devaluation of the ruble to win on buying equipment, to borrow?
Ivan Solovyov, professor of tax and finance law Financial University under the Government RF:
In general, it is surprising that people, even under the influence of declining ruble quotations continue to commit the same nonsense as in late 2014. Indeed, in February-March 2015 was gay Internet advertisement for the sale of goods bought for future use. Also, do not forget the rule that any technique, leaving the shop is already at 25-30 percent cheaper.
And if it is bought on credit, it will cost at least as early as two and a half-price. And then no one store would not sell at a loss, and if someone is convinced that the goods in order to maintain demand kept the “old” prices, we must understand that there still lies the market price of the goods plus a mark-up of a particular store (and now it can be a little more or less). In any case, the ruble will soon be corrected considerably, playing his fall that unnecessary equipment bought at the peak demand will mean that other, as the resulting losses.It is clearly in the current situation is that consumer electronics is not and can not constitute a means of savings in the context of a weakening ruble. It is doubly wrong, dangerous and just buy it at the expense of consumer loans is quite expensive. Firstly, it is unjustified from an economic point of view, and secondly, in a crisis it is not clear whether to save the buyer the possibility to service the loans, so do not volunteer to hang on such financial chains.
Roman Terekhin, the head of an independent center of expertise “Public thinks” partner “Business fairway»:
If the technique is not necessary, it will not be used. As a result, this will lead to aging and breakage. A thing may be discarded even when virtually unused or never used. Besides, then do not come to sell the equipment more expensive, even if it is not broken, and did not use it.
From a financial point of view, the purchase of unnecessary equipment, and even in loan investments are not as many mistakenly believe. They can help reduce the damage on impairment of the national currency. This loan processing in the midst of a period of crisis in the future can create a lot of problems, because very high probability of delay for such loans. For borrowers are extra costs in the form of fines and penalties.Andrew Lyushin, Deputy Chairman of the Board, Loko-Bank:
Definitely argue whether citizens are right or not – impossible. The fact that the memory is still fresh memories of the situation in the fourth quarter of 2014, when a sharp collapse of the ruble provoked citizens to natural buy home appliances and electronics because of fears of a rise in prices. In general, of course, they are right, because in the past year, these products really have grown up in price. However, panic, buying unnecessary things, too, do not.
In my opinion, the current situation with the purchase of equipment is much quieter than the old-year-old, even with the difference that the citizens allegedly retailers are not buying for 3- 4 TV’s in order to sell more expensive, and simply buy the necessary goods in advance for fear of further price increases. Again, because of increased inflation and reduce real incomes, these purchases are made on credit, building up a portfolio of POS-lending from retail banks. And then assert unequivocally whether they are right or not is impossible. On the one hand – buying on credit is overpayment for goods, which is equal to the interest rate on the loan. On the other hand – the market participants suggest a possible increase in the key rate by the Central Bank, so that banks will increase lending rates symmetrically.

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