In January, “Kommersant” reported that since the beginning of year was atypical for the current crisis situation in which the population is increasing the demand for loans to buy home appliances and electronics. Since these products, including domestic production, are heavily dependent on imports, fluctuating exchange rates, Russians tend to buy the equipment to a sharp jump in prices. According to a study by Euromonitor International , this trend will continue until the middle of 2016.
«We expect that this trend will not last throughout the year. In the second half of 2016 happens a sharp decline in demand for electronics and appliances after excessive jump at the beginning of the year “- the study says. Experts believe that the citizens of stepping on the same rake, when taking out loans for the purchase of products that are at potentially higher cost. In the context of the devaluation and the worsening economic situation, risking everything – borrowers, and banks.
A similar situation was observed in late 2014 – early 2015, when the dollar rose sharply against the ruble. The difference between last year’s and the current boom is that while the goods purchased primarily for cash now – on credit.
And yet, 42% of Russians still save on major appliances, follows from the results of the survey of the National Agency for Financial Studies (NAFI). Marketers have once again seen that because of the crisis forced the Russians to save on almost everything except food and basic necessities. Almost half of the respondents admitted that they have to save on their holiday, 43% refused to entertainment, 40% saving on of clothes and footwear, 38% cutting back on big purchases (real estate, cars), 31% of citizens save on food. The costs are not reduced only to 12% of the population.
The general director of NAFI Guzelia Imaeva notes a significant change in the structure of consumption of Russians over the past six years. “In today’s economic slowdown and the real incomes of Russians are moving away from the traditional way of life has become the last six years and the first forced to save on costs, which have become the norm for them during this time”, – concluded Imaeva.
In December 2015, inflation stood at 12.9% compared to December 2014. Turnover of retail trade fell by 8%. According to estimates, RBC, middle-class life at pre-crisis habits has risen by a third. For example, the Russians were more likely to cook at home. This is evidenced not only concern restaurateurs, but also growth in sales of so-called “Barshchou set” that consists of inexpensive vegetables – potatoes, beets, cabbage, carrots. The prices of vegetables from the “Barshchou set” in 2015 decreased. Experts explain this good harvest.
In addition, the increased sale of groceries, mainly flour, dry seasonings, pasta, sugar. Analysts Gfk note that this also indicates the trend of transition to home cooking in order to save.
«Consumption of expensive products in a crisis reduced as part of the population is trying to minimize their costs, but rising consumption of relatively cheap and nutritious food. Also, more people are starting to cook at home in spite of the rise in food prices, home-cooked food is cheaper than in cafes and restaurants, “- explains analyst at research firm BusinesStat Olga Shipilova.
According to Rosstat, the actual salaries of citizens are reduced for the second year. The national average real disposable income is 30,699 rubles. Financial discomfort accompanied by the growth of the middle strata of official poverty line. Incomes below the subsistence minimum are 20.3 million people (14.1%). The size of a living wage is 9673 rubles. The proportion of poor families, which is not enough for even for food and enough money for food, but without the purchase of clothing for the last year increased from 22% to 39%, according to VTsIOM.
Update version of the socio-economic development of Russia in 2016, drawn up by the Ministry, is not encouraging. According to “Vedomosti”, it involves deterioration of all basic indicators: GDP fell by 0.8% (vs. 0.7% expected), inflation – 8.5%, the outflow of capital – 50 billion dollars. Real wages decline by 3.5, rather than 0.2%, incomes of the population – by 4%, rather than 0.7%, unemployment will rise to 6.3% instead of 5,8%.

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