Winner of four statuettes “Taffy”, TV presenter, journalist and historian Mikhail Osokin more than a year does not appear on television. And in Russia it began to appear less often. About that, what the leading replacement for himself and a television screen where likes to spend all his free time, read a candid interview that Mikhail Osokin gave correspondent of Radio Liberty.
– Michael Glebovich, you have about a year do not have the TV. Therefore, neither the audience nor your former colleagues, many do not know what you’re doing. My first question is this: what does Osokin? Before your profession have been news. And now?
– In a sense, we can say that now the news – this is my profession. Because I am now doing this in the literary sphere. I write columns for magazines and tell them about the same. I told him what had happened. And it’s much more comfortable, because I pick only what is interesting to me and what I like. I do not have to talk about everything. It suits me. In the end, creativity – this is when you write for yourself, not for others.
– you to this all my life and go – to telling stories that might interest only to you.
When I left the news, I was glad. Everything that happened after, happened without me. And I did not have to talk about it
– It is hard to say. One thing I knew for sure: when I left the news, I was glad. Everything that happened after, happened without me. And I did not have to talk about it. I just left before the start of the events in Ukraine. Well, more accurately, I’m not the left, of course …
– you, by the way, remember your last television broadcast?
– No, honestly , I do not remember. So many times I have cleaned the air … if you remember all the latest releases, it will be a long story. I do not remember.
– Accordingly, you did not understand that aired last?
– I knew about for some signals hinting at changes in wording that once I will not be tolerated. And so it happened. I was expecting this.
– Why air was the last? How were you fired? What did?
– What usually say in such cases? What will reformat the channel, there will be new column, it is necessary to move forward, the old obsolete. Something like that. It was spring, the end of the season. Everything is logical from the point of view of management. And so it is.
– Do you remember your first television broadcast? When did it happen? Worried?
– also not particularly. I just remember that I started to work on the morning program, even at the Channel. I do not remember the first broadcast, but that had to come to work very early, at 4 o’clock in the morning. This, of course, was a horror.
– you usually sleep at this time go.
– Yeah, had to go to bed much earlier. I came to an empty building telecentre was empty. To rebound, he started broadcasting. The rest do not remember.
– How did you appeared on television? You do not journalism at all finished, and the History Faculty of Moscow State University, from which also were expelled at the time for taking part in anti-strike …
– My love affair with the TV there was, in general, not my will. I was on it by accident. I worked in radio for a long time by the time 13 years old, I guess. On the radio, I came immediately after graduation. Just so happened that this was a period of adjustment to find new forces, new faces. Central TV – edition of the program “Time” – is also beginning to look for new people. I casually suggested, and I accidentally got on TV. At first, I worked on it as a radio commentator, did stories on international themes. And then gradually spilled over to the morning program, and started to lead.
– you from the very first day of its foundation NTV worked on it were the face of the company. And you sure are still on the street recognize and associate it with the old NTV primarily.
– Yes, this print, which is on me remained forever.
– Say you broadcaster supports some polite communication: corporate parties on the invites? Greeting Cards sends birthday? There’s also still working, for example, Tatyana Mitkov, with which you started with NTV.
– I was invited several times to corporate parties. On the anniversary of the last name. But I did not go.
– Why?
– after all, we have long separated. I’ve long since moved away from what had been, from the former NTV. Yes, I generally do not like to go to corporate parties. I do not want. Or maybe I was working on that day, as it usually is.
– you somehow reflect on the news that with the NTV channel left permanent CEO Mr. Kulistikov?
– Of course, I have many memories associated with it. Good and not so good. We worked together for a long time. I remember when he came on NTV, he held senior positions gradually. I remember how we left, he came back. I remember how he eventually drove me. There is something to remember.
– For a channel Kulistikova care means something?
– I think it’s some sort of update. If you do not ideological, it is physical. Because it’s younger people who worked at NTV, who know the kitchen gear. Probably get something new.
– Even more frightening?
– I do not know. As it will.
– Glebovich Michael, you are the only broadcaster in Russia American type: the middle-aged, calm, intelligent person who can set up on the same wavelength big country, not the public will drive into a trance, and vice versa , broadcasting dignity, restraint and respect. The viewer looks at you and sees a school teacher who teaches and tells stories. Tell you this way consciously someone assembled and processed by itself? You spy on the work of American heavyweights?
I’ve always thought it’s better to calmly talk than hysterical with excitement in the eyes
– To be honest, not spying. You mentioned a key concept: storytelling. I’m a historian by education. And perhaps this is just to say. I really always wanted to quietly tell people about what is going on and bring some analogy: it is not so scary, and it happens. And the people calm. I somehow he developed this style. I always thought that it was better to talk quietly than hysterical with excitement in his eyes.
– And how do you work with people you younger half? We have the same strange way no adults on television in the frame: after forty you usually do not need anyone. News are the girls who perform any order of the authorities.
– When I started working in television, I was still very young in general. I have the feeling I have on and left. Gradually, we just grew up together. I was always comfortable. I did not notice the age difference. Other leading on NTV were the same age as I am. We were a team that has grown got older together with the country. I was fine.
– news should lead young people or adults?
– I believe that the news should keep adults. As you say, the American model. I would say that this is a worldwide model. By adult staid man more confidence. He calming effect on the population as a psychotherapist. News be complacent.
– Well, how? Good news is always less than the bad.
– Unfortunately, yes. As the Americans say, the best news – it’s bad news. But even bad news can be served objectively, with positive nuances: it’s not so bad, can happen something much worse. It’s all about tone. The thing is, how do you tell. It is necessary not to have people who do not irritate, excite and soothe.
– About You in television get-together there are many tales. For example, say that you are rested and until recently did not use the computer when preparing your news programs. They wrote everything by hand, glued together pieces of paper, which are your layout. Is it true?
– The truth is, yes. It lasted a long time. I did not want to use a teleprompter. But then I won progress. To all I had to get used.
– Why have you rested?
– Force of habit. Why do people write by hand, rather than on a computer until now? Writers, for example, write their books by hand is not even a pen and a pencil.
– show off.
– I do not know. For a long time I felt so comfortable. When I realized that it is more convenient and faster on the computer, I moved on to the computer. It was a fairly painless.
– Computer nevertheless defeated man.
– Unfortunately, yes.
– Another tale is about the glass of hot beer, which has always been with you at the time of release. Drinking, Mikhail Glebovich?
– Yes, there was a time when I believed that from the hot beer throat comes in good condition and can easily tell the news. The fact is that during the operation in the news a lot, I tried all sorts of means: the hot water with honey and milk for some time had a beer, and then I found a wonderful pill that was enough to suck on the tonsils are well acted. With the beer I was finished.
– Tied.
– Yes, it’s still difficult: before each ether warm beer, manage to convey to it gets cold, then in the course of the program is still cooling down, we can not drink it. With tablets considerably easier.
– It is said that you are in Ostankino came on roller skates and so in them and moved on telekompleksa.
– This is the bike. Sometimes I rode there really, but I took the videos with a simple. From the center of Moscow to the Ostankino skating do not get there.
– Is it true that you were with him in the pocket false mustache to disguise and every strange situation they immediately stuck?
– This is kind of true, but exaggerated. I really like something gave false mustache theater, but I used to go to meetings of communists. It was in the nineties, when relations were sharpened.
– Why did you go to the meetings of communists?
– I wonder the same. To be informed, to let everyone know. I stuck to masking mustaches and shot glasses. I really did not see anything in this case, but I’ve heard. So as a result I was aware of everything. It was a hobby.
– Do you ever have strange encounters with their audience, by the way?
– No, I can not remember. Letters written. Sometimes crazy, claims and demands to talk about something, or talk about something. Directly – no. With a knife attacked no one.
– And I have my own stories about you that is not the bike. When we are working on the channel RTVi, we in the editorial was a single air-conditioning system. All have suffered terribly from her and froze, but did not understand how this thing shut down. Then you once somewhere got hold of the ladder, and every hole on the ceiling, from which the barrel of cold air, just tightly taped shut. Thus saved for some time, a unique team of journalists. Remember?
– Yes, I remember. I love my room to arrange well. I do not like when blowing. It is better to open the window and ventilate.
– Is it possible to tell the stories in the news? At the end of your every issue has always been a brand story-bow, the veracity of which has not often been evident.
I believe that the news can be to tell anything. If only it was relevant and well bear a topic
– I believe that the news can be told anything. If only it was relevant and well bear a topic. Therefore, the news may be suspended and historical events, analogies, anecdotes and quotes from the Internet. Tales are quite appropriate, if not a complete fake. And the fact that the stories are not very confirmed … you know, half the news is not very supported. Or confirmed today, and tomorrow is refuted. This kind of work.
– you watch TV? Is there at least one journalist, whom you trust?
– You know, I do not watch TV. We have no TV in the apartment. I did not watch TV, and when I was working. Only the news to be aware of. Generally speaking, TV is not watched. As far as I know, many television people who work on TV, do not watch TV. As they say, who make the sausage, he will not eat it, because he knows the inside kitchen. Now I prefer to learn everything from the Internet, as well as many others. Why do you need a TV when the Internet is all that you need? All can be viewed on the Internet, and in the format, quality and quantity in which you need it.
– But there were TV journalists and presenters, who do you trust?
– No, I do not trust anybody.
– Well, ten years ago, these people were, of course.
Any host always says from time to time that not true in something
– anyway. Journalist’s Creed – nothing and no one to trust. Any host always says at times that do not correspond to reality in some way. Either out of ignorance or because of their views or for lack of information. Always it is.
– The question that I often ask reporters: do you believe in the efficacy of lustration? Happen if lustration in Russia for those journalists and presenters, who was a lie?
– Yes, I believe in the efficacy of lustration. I know, as in other countries it was very effective. In Eastern Europe, Czechoslovakia, Poland. It really helped to move rapidly forward towards democratization. I believe in the lustration. I do not know when it will be in Russia. But you narrow subject lustration necessary not only for journalists. Lustration need for all officials, for all civil servants. In Russia, as in any other country. But we see another trend, unfortunately, when the law was adopted that can be removed from the Internet information about yourself, if you think that the information you put in an unfavorable light. So it is still far to lustration.
– in your apartment tens, and maybe hundreds of old betakamovskih tapes on which the archive is stored in all of modern Russian television. Television after piece very momentary in nature: Show and forgotten. And you all are collected all his life and store. To that?
– the cassette Betakamovskie I collected not for their appearance, of course. This archive is the source of some filming, and not only mine, but also colleagues. There and archive on the history of the country. At the time, it all came in handy. Since lies some load. Some cassettes make me special memories. For example, there is a tape, because of which I was almost kicked out in the very first years of work on NTV. It was the election period when Yeltsin was fighting Zyuganov. They were almost on a par. We had an issue about the campaign. In the first place it must be Yeltsin, of course. I did liner: but now you will see how the president is preparing for elections. And I went on the air the tape with Zyuganov. It turned out that the president Zyuganov. Spooky was a scandal. I was with my wife, who was my chief editor Dobrodeev nearly drove then. But, fortunately, I decided not only to us, and he left.
– Look, you did somehow miraculously most of his life worked in tandem with his wife. It was your chief editor always on all channels.
– I was lucky.
– But it’s pretty hard 24 hours a day, seven days a week to be with his wife?
– Everything was smooth. We act as a single organism, double-headed eagle. It was the whole issue. I sat in one room, it is in another. We saw each other, perhaps less than at home. Ran to each other, exchanging information, I knew how to do, she knew how to do. So together and worked. It was very comfortable.
– How many of our friends in common, you’re an essential part of the year are not held in Russia, and in Europe, in the Baltic States. What is it, nedoemigratsiya? Or do you like to give opinion about this?
I’ve always dreamed of living in a quiet place by the sea. As Brodsky
– This attitude, really like to give. Personally, I have a special relationship bound Baltic. With Latvia, Jurmala I connect with my ancestors. My ancestors – Baltic Germans. I’ve got a great-grandfather was a state councilor. I have many historical memories connected with Latvia. I’ve always dreamed of living in a quiet place by the sea. As Brodsky. When it became clear that it is possible to buy an apartment in Jurmala, my memories overwhelmed me. And his wife Lena were about the same feeling. So we bought an apartment there, and began to run down.
– Can you imagine how to tell from the TV about what happened to the Crimea, about what happened in Syria, about what happened with the ruble, if by some miracle worked in television so far? You also probably due to the professional deformation of such fantasies emerge? The texts themselves on the agenda are written in the head?

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