The crisis is a smaller proportion of Russians planned expenditures for repairs in the apartment, and paid education turputevku, calculated by VTsIOM. From what plans should not refuse anyway?
The number of Russians who plan the cost of repairs in the apartment, travel packages and education fell in the crisis, showed results of a survey of All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center, which was held in January 2016. For example, in 2013, renovated the apartment 20% of respondents planned to VTsIOM, in 2014 – 16% and in 2016 – 14%.
A similar trend is observed in respect of the planned expenditure for turputevku. The proportion of those who were going to spend the money, dropped from 16% in 2013 to 10% this year. The share of those who intend to spend money on education or training of children decreased from 9 to 3%, respectively.
Plans for the current year
Plans for repair costs is yet the largest number of respondents VTsIOM. Buy a car going 10% of Russians, as many more are going to spend money on a tourist trip. Several less talk about the plans for the purchase of furniture (7%), TV (5%) and washing machines (4%). Buy real estate in the coming year, 7% of respondents plan.
According to the survey, the Russians in 2015, is actively spending money to buy home appliances and electronics. The most popular purchases in 2015 in Russia began to mobile phones and smartphones. The fact that in 2015 purchased the phones or smartphones, reported 17% of respondents. Before the crisis there were fewer – 8% in 2012 and 14% in 2013. One in ten has got a TV and a computer, laptop or tablet (9%). Young people spend money on these purchases are more likely than those in older age groups.
The desires and needs of young people are significantly higher than the needs of the elderly. For youth aged 18-24, compared to people of retirement age is the acquisition of high-priority machines (20% vs. 1%), turputevku (12% vs. 5%), apartments or at home (15% vs. 2%) or laptop computer (11% vs. 1%) and mobile phone (9% vs. 1%). While the main concern of the elderly is the repair of the apartment – such spending plan 17% of people 60 years and older to 11% among 18-24 year olds.
Less investment in yourself
«We are seeing a downward trend in spending on education, medicine or the purchase of shares. These so-called investment in yourself that, and so, according to a poll, held a small share in the crisis have fallen even more, “- said the head of the project group VTsIOM Yulia Baskakov. She noted that the high demand for phones, computers and televisions was due to the fact that people expect a rise in price, and this one-time expenses that large numbers of people could afford.
«The number of those wishing to learn sharply decreased Unlike the crisis of 2008, when, on the contrary, the share of those who started to attend courses of additional education or get a second education. In fact it is not very literate behavior because investment in yourself, in any case pay off ever, maybe the time is not so fast, but in terms of return, profitability, they are always profitability and efficiency, “- says an independent financial advisor, Associate Professor of Finance University under the government of the Russian Federation Saida Suleymanova.
The main advice in the current unstable situation, says Suleymanov – carefully plan all costs, but do not try, if possible, to implement their plans on credit. “If you can wait with the purchase, which lacks a certain amount, the money is better spent on something else. In medicine and education to save in any case not worth it. Maybe if you have the means, rather than deferred purchase you can buy a long-term life insurance policy, securing a guarantee from the unforeseen life circumstances “- advises Suleymanov.

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