Format newborn TV yet, it is not limited to the wishes of the advertiser and the mandatory amount of news, the content will be determined by the Company. But it is already clear that the main content of the channel will be the promotion of the “small things” – the television will talk about specific cases of specific individuals, says CEO Anatoly Lysenko channel. “We do not want to be a PE TV and TV life,” – he said. OTP will also show viewers documentaries, feature films and Russian paintings from the life of Russian regions. “Parquet” news, boring officialdom channel management promised to avoid.
But the final program of the new social media policy is not defined, because it is not yet well established audience. As described by Anatoly Lysenko, from January 1,’s OTP began receiving letters to the wishes of future viewers – lighting public order and generally what content they want from the public channel.
– Wishes very inconsistent. “Immediately show us Navalny, Udaltsov and Nemtsov, otherwise I would not have to watch” – and “Please, no Navalny, we are tired of him.” “Please include the broadcasting Brazilian soap operas” – and the “No TV series”. “We want to see how laws are made and discussed” – and “I do not want anything serious, provide us entertainment programs.” We need to understand who our audience, then there will be certainty with net broadcasting. As a result of only one hundred hours of work early to draw any conclusions – said Lysenko.
not clear not only to the composition of the audience, but also with its number: data on how many people watched the OTP for the first 100 hours of his broadcast, and never will be. The fact that the equipment that measures the number of viewers so far only works on an analog television and public television broadcasts only in the “figure.” The introduction of a new measuring instrument would entail additional costs that would be meaningless: in 2015 digital TV will be introduced across Russia, and then drawing up of ratings of digital channels will be automated. So far, the management of public TV hopes to study your audience with the help of independent opinion polls. On the website the same channel in the first two days of the TV going down about two thousand people.
While the main challenge for the public TV viewers can still access it. Television broadcasting in blocks of eight hours networks of different operators. “Viewers complain – you can not find, Today you are on 173-th channel, tomorrow 1084th,” – said Stanislav Arkhipov. The reason he sees that the operator is required to include a free public broadcasting TV in their net, and so they are reluctant to do so. To find the OTP, you need to update automatically search for channels on your TV.
The main problem of the existence of public television in our country, in addition to the technical difficulties is its financing. According to the CEO of one and a half billion allocated to the channel of the budget, 700 million has already been spent on the material-technical base, and approximately by August-September 2013, the money runs out. Advertising channel can not earn. Anatoly Lysenko an example for comparison – in Germany, where there is a public TV for the money of the population, each resident pays for the TV about 217 euros a year – about 10 percent of the monthly income of the ordinary German. If you multiply by 81 million people in Germany – would be about 17 and a half billion euros a year. With this money, the public television can rent their own documentaries, to regularly update the material and technical base and so on.
– for us in the country, collection of utility bills is 65-70 per cent – said Anatoly Lysenko. – To the public television viewers there for the money, you need to create a federal agency to collect fees – with riot police and helicopter support. According to sociologists, only 13 percent of Russians are ready to pay for independent television, but also that they are ready, does not mean that they will pay. So the only option in the Russian reality – this is government funding. To build the BBC – you first need to build England. BBC does not happen in the middle of the Tver region.
Help “WG”
Russian Public Television started broadcasting in Russia May 19, 2013. The new channel will automatically appear on all networks Russian operators of cable, satellite and IP-TV, access to view the OTP is absolutely free. Viewers only need to update the automatic channel search on your TV. Broadcast the new channel began with the news release, the first transmission was “Big Country”.
Press Conference “RG”, dedicated to the first 100 hours of “OTP”
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