Almost every day in the news there are reports that resemble the summary of the dashing 90: whether the growing popularity of thieves concepts Youth, robbery grocery stores and cars, but and generally increase in crime as such. On the eve of the massacre, which also could be succinctly to fit into the disassembly format 20 years ago, took place in an elite residential area in the city center.
It all started with a call to the apartment 204 home 7 3rd Frunze street where lived 48-year-old businessman Rashid Boziev, Aleanna his wife and six of their children.
On the threshold of a businessman waiting for the two bailiffs and Oleg Kuznetsov – known lawyer, head of the law firm “Rutaks “specializing in debt collection
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A lawyer representing the interests of businessman Dmitry Doyhena – co-owner of the network “Sportmaster”, the largest pharmaceutical company ZAO “Vitafarm” and several other companies. Doyhen Boziev demanded back the money given to him by the receipt at interest. “He had to 80 million rubles.”, -. Leads TASS comment source in law enforcement
According to information posted on the website of the Federal Bailiff Service of the Moscow Rashid Boziev owe 166 million 836 thousand. rub.
Earlier Boziev Doyhen and tried to solve the problem together in the Khamovniki district court of Moscow. The materials of the case on the website of the court stated that Boziev received the money in November 2014. However, in February 2015 the first Doyhen made another translation, which he claimed was made by mistake. In March Doyhen asked the partner to return the “wrong” amount, and at the same time to return the loan ahead of schedule, with interest. In court Boziev confirmed that he had received the translation, however, said he intends to challenge in court the loan agreement. Then Doyhen filed a new claim for the recovery of interest on the amount that he accidentally turned and demanded to recover arrears in the payment of the loan and interest. Boziev argued that the loan agreement, which he signed, contained the other conditions, in particular, there has been no requirement for early repayment of loans, and there was no point of the pledge in the form of immovable property. However, the businessman did not provide evidence of his words. As a result, in August 2015 the court granted the petition Doyhena.
The total amount with interest amounted to 164 million rubles.
Interests Doyhena in court represented by Oleg Kuznetsov.
Apparently, Boziev not in a hurry with the payment, so his home raided by bailiffs and the lawyer to conduct an inventory of the property. Bailiffs have decided to start to describe the TV and audio system. But something brought the head of the family balance is likely to communicate with a representative of “Rutaksa”. Boziev pulled out a gun (supposedly modified PM) and fired several shots at the lawyer.
From his injuries Oleg Kuznetsov died on the spot. What exactly prompted Boziev grab the weapon, to be seen UK employees.
Secretary “Rutaksa” said “”, that they do not comment on the death of their leader. “We do not talk to the press,” – he added the employee of the company
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Bailiffs in the shooting were not affected, but are reported in the UK, “in shock.” Arrow detained police quickly arrived, now he is in the police department “Khamovniki”. “Investigating authorities GSM RF IC for Moscow city initiated a criminal case on grounds of crime under Part. 1, Art. 105 of the Criminal Code (murder) and Part. 1, Art. 222 of the Criminal Code (illegal arms trafficking), “- the investigators have reported
According to base in Boziev Doyhena and had a joint business
in particular, they were the founders of “Plasma” (scientific research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering), LLC “Ceramic micromotors” (production of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle engines), LLC ” jet drilling “(mechanical equipment), LLC” Automatic gearbox “(mechanical equipment). In addition, they belonged to the CJSC “Management Company” light “, cease operations due to reorganization in March 2015. In total Boziev was the founder and CEO of nearly 20 firms, most of which are active.

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