TV in many families considered to be man’s best friend. From the moment of his arrival, each family first dreamed, and then felt it my duty to buy myself this miracle of technology. Of course, those are the first TVs do not go to any comparison with modern monsters, which can be viewed here. But, nevertheless, all the time of people wanted to buy a TV in your house the newest model, each time in the mistaken belief that it is better simply can not be. We’ll tell you about the most interesting facts that will help you learn more about the technology that is in every доме.
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• The first TV is considered to be the brainchild of Max Dieckmann. This television receiver has an incredibly small screen for the modern understanding of the size of 3 by 3 centimeters. However, we know that he had predecessors, who were born in the late 19th century.
• Everyone knows the phrase “soap opera,” which is associated with the serial serials, actually originates from the radio. It was on the radio in the 30s were popular auditions, which were sponsored by manufacturers of household products. Hence it is called the “soap opera».
• Residents of the UK, who is listed in the ownership of television annually required to pay 150 pounds sterling the amount of tax. It is because of this tax and there is the world famous and popular BBC channel that has one qualitative difference – it is absolutely no advertising
• It is known that in families in which pending watch TV during meals, people are not. suffer from the problem of digestion.
• The average Japanese person spends in front of about nine hours of daily TV screen. This is higher than any other figure around the world, making the Japanese biggest TV fans.
• It is known that color television viewing causes less harm than the black-and-white. This is due to the fact tsvetovosprinimayuschy apparatus of the eye is stimulated by bright colors than relieves some of the load from the accommodative muscles.
• In the last century, an American evangelist named Billy Graham, has promised to give up watching TV. But he could not resist and broke his word to view the television show Ed Sullivan, in which for the first time attended the legendary British band The Beatles.
TV nowadays serves as a source of information and a way to escape from the everyday bustle. The main thing – that this issue not be like the Japanese.

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