Audio: Vitas: What crisis? Turn off the TV, turn off the Internet, and all will be well.
Live Radio “Komsomolskaya Pravda Leading Mikhail Antonov and Anastasia Pike phoned singer Vitas , to congratulate him on his birthday
– Well, we have a tradition when we have people phoning born in this day and congratulate them on the air Radio “Komsomolskaya Pravda” Happy Birthday
– Heppibezdim …
– This is a modern slang, and we, who grew up in the Soviet Union, as a person born in the Soviet Union, one of the former Union republics, composer, actor, singer Vitas today celebrates its birthday. Vitas, happy birthday, hello
– Hi. Thank you very much, thank you
– I’m not in vain mentioned that you were born in the Soviet Union, because you had and Latvia in your life, and Ukraine , Odessa , well, and, in fact, you are a man of peace, because your popularity in the China , in my opinion, does not weaken …
Vitas :
– you really like something really narrowed my circle of influence. Not only China. Japan , America , Israel , Canada , Australia , New Zealand, New Guinea , . Japan
– Well, the reason I say …
– No, I’m trying to make jokes …
– No, no, everything is fine. The main thing is that all this joke to come true. In China, just a crazy popular, as I understand it. And she continues, please tell me
– Well, of course, we have been working in China since 2006 and we have very good prospects. That this year we have planned a tour of 48 concerts. Therefore, we are love China. Moreover, the relationship between Russian and China every day stronger in all respects. Therefore, we are very excited and always with great pleasure that we delight there in this wonderful and very surprising ground admirers of his work with their new songs and new creations.
– Do you have there for a Chinese name, or there Vitas they are
– look, if we in the hall shouted: “Vi-tas! Vi-tas “, and they cry differently:” Vi- TASS “. . That’s the whole difference
– And that means something in Chinese or not
– In the plural, probably, I suspect. Here Vitas – one, and then – Vitassy – a lot of them
. – Clear. I can not ask about Vitas, as a father, because Maxim, the little son, turned one just a month or two ago. What Vitas father? Now see if Maxim dad on TV? Sings Are …
– It has all my songs by heart knows. But so far, of course, will not play them, but sometimes sings. If I live, always sings
– Well, at one year of age that can be? . Only opera №2 play
– Yes, and nothing more is needed
– A dad sings lullabies
– Papa Do Vitas sings lullabies? Of course, sings, shakes the baby likes. Idolize, is on his hands and wants him to be the happiest person in the world
– Well, we want this year has brought. despite the crisis, the strengthening of Russian-Chinese friendship …
– What are you saying, a crisis …
– you did not know? They say that the crisis …
– Who says? Turn off the TV, turn off the Internet, and all will be well
– Thank you very much, Vitas, and once again – Happy Birthday
– Thank you
– That’s good that Vitas is no crisis, yes?
– Well, you see – a man happy lives and not steamed, birthday notes .

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