«Oil of Russia», 16.02.16, Moscow, 13:43 Our politicians and journalists have long divided society into the two major parties: the refrigerator and the TV. The last party tonight, “power”, but its opponents are convinced that when, finally, the refrigerator empty, bravura stories “zomboyaschika” on “stood up” of Russia and its “special path” and “spiritual scrapie” under the rumbling hungry stomach will cause in best irritation. That’s when the hour strikes refrigerator parties.
But the crisis is already half empty refrigerator, eating fewer and poorer quality and discontented murmur barely audible. Why are people silent? As TV manages to prevail over the refrigerator?
The answers to these questions are not so complicated. Just hit “Surkov propaganda” lies in the fact that its main message directly into the subconscious mind, appealing to the instincts. Complexes that provide incredible success of the current Kremlin propaganda, only two, but any
The first – is the imperial complex. Propaganda approves Putin, they say, the country returns “imperial greatness,” a superpower status – the country again completes the fate of the world. In fact, for many centuries, Russia was indeed a vast empire, and since 1940 until 1991 – even military and political superpower, able to easily destroy half the world. Almost at the very genetics of our nation lies this “great power”, which is a ‘must have it! “. The collapse of the empire (1991), an extremely painful effect on the outlook of the majority.
And no sobering mind and addressed the arguments, cast doubt on “the special status of Russia and its people”, in general, do not work. Logically, citizens can, and understand that Russia has long been more visible behind the “civilized world” economically, technologically, and even militarily. We have long been in the lead on Population. Our falling GDP (not to be confused with a national leader) already outside the top ten, and in 2016 may even leave twenty. And of the remaining 17 million square kilometers of two – thirds. Uninhabited expanses, generally unsuitable for human life
People are certainly aware of and even feel like progress more bypasses our “great power” side, and the phrase ” country – the gas station “for all its indignities very far from the truth. But by understanding the realities to the recognition of a foreign righteousness – a huge distance
The citizens contrary to logic and common sense want to feel the citizens ‘superpower’ is still affecting everything that happens in the world.. That’s why daily telepromyvanie brain about the “special mission of Russia” is the most lively and enthusiastic response among the people. “I may be poor, miserable, zatyukali authority and superiors, let my children go to bad schools and clinics, but, damn it, we can still bomb the Holland (France, Japan, Germany and Poland – as far as the imagination); Therefore we still afraid (it is clear that no love) and once fear means respect “, -. something like this with a clear mind, uncomplicated logic and understanding of contemporary realities, says the majority of people in Russia. As they say, propaganda brings us “the apple”, bypassing the cerebral cortex, which makes any reasoned discussion meaningless
Unfortunately, in man instincts, emotions and desires almost always prevail over reason:. Because everyone knows that you can not abuse alcohol or sweet, as well as load up at night. Well, someone stops it?
Now in more detail about the inferiority complex. This thing is all of the realm of the subconscious, almost psychiatry. Everyone, especially in childhood and adolescence, inevitably suffer from this complex and even develop as a person, overcoming it. It happens, and vice versa: and then the person is doomed to eternal torment still persisting from a sense of inferiority. For example, I felt uncomfortable in his youth in the company of more intellectually developed peers – but instead to read books and learn, prefer to build muscle and to prove their superiority in the fight …
Another example of a household. Put yourself in the shoes of a young man not very prosperous and wealthy family. Father often subjects the mother is not smart, but also intimidated her husband, flatlet not ah, clothes, shoes greyish, cottage – 6 acres far away, the car is old and battered. In school, you do not praise – so troechnik usual, nothing outstanding. Now imagine that your neighbors – prosperous, successful people: big, beautiful car, a cool apartment, Dad – Director, Mama – creative worker, the son – smart, high achiever, and even plays the violin: a daughter – beauty, athlete, befriends . smart books and good boys
the standard reaction yard underdog kid life: revenge and harm this good girl, because to reach the same level, he would not be able, but to spoil the life of another – it easily. On the hood of the car with a nail scratched obscenity, Maltsev give the face, and even the violin is broken, and the girl fill with ink white apron and pull the braid – let her cry, and that too much happiness fell to her childhood
. > inferiority complex affects not only people – entire countries and nations, including Russia. Well, for example, almost from childhood, we instill a dislike (to put it mildly) to the United States. What is really wrong with Russia made the Americans? Never to us did not fight, did not occupy the country … On the other hand, were allies in World War II, fed, watered the Soviet Union all the terrible war years, the so-called Lend-Lease, which we then decided not to pay.
gave us the cold war, threatened? So it’s kind of been mutually: they tell us Churchill’s speech, we – “gruel” at the UN. They tell us – Germany, we give them – the Berlin Wall and the GDR. They – missiles in Turkey, we are – in Cuba; they – for the Korean bourgeois democracy, we – Korean socialism, ie Juche. Yes, in Vietnam to war against each other arms Vietnamese themselves, still do not understand, for what and who ultimately won. But do other countries not happened a lot worse? Sometimes more than once!
But the film looks US, their language everywhere teach all sorts of iPhones iPads so tirelessly to use on their machines so we go to extol, sipping a Coke and Madonna is crazy. Rupture of consciousness? Double standards? Or just envy mixed with anger that they all get, and we have only a “spiritual ties of” yes sale of oil-gas
This is where exactly the national inferiority complex appears:. The main enemies of Russia announced the most advanced, economically developed and rich countries: the US, Japan, UK, Germany, France, etc. All his life he envied in Russia, much copied (sometimes blindly, against his will), sometimes learned from them, but always kompleksovali. And they behaved like troubled teens in the yard: they say, if for yourself to live well can not, then you do not give. And all the talk about the West’s hatred of Russia rising from its knees – for fools. How, then, China, India, Brazil, South Korea, Mexico and even Muslim Indonesia finally ?! Quietly developed, gaining strength and power, without any hysterics in relations with the West. They for some reason gave “rise from its knees”? And why they, unlike Russia, has no “enemies of the Rings”, the sanctions kontrsanktsy and eternal confrontation with or without …
Where, if not from the inferiority complex, there was this gem ” only Russia can turn America into a radioactive ashes “? Translated into the yard language this means: we can not build like you, the road (hospitals, schools, cities, skyscrapers, etc.), but our “Iskander” can easily destroy them. Technology, science, art to bring your level we will bring – but you do not give. Do not we go up to your level, and you will fall to our own, nothing that you, the nuclear club in readiness, see ?!
In general, break not to build – it does not need an efficient economy, a sensible social policy , civilized power, democracy and human rights. All this is a long, difficult, troublesome. Destroy – a hundred times easier. Therefore, once we get the West to respect and love can not – force the fear. Type “do we live in shit, but you shit”.
In fairness, we want to say that Russia is not only peculiar inferiority complex, it is generally a widespread phenomenon. From Pol Pot and the “cultural revolution” to Islamic dictatorships with Sharia law and all-conquering Juche. Because compete – it is difficult, and to arrange a horror, to break and destroy “to the ground, and then” under the guise as a fig leaf, some “special way” or “purity of faith” – simple. This is always easier to justify their inability to creation and development of
So, gentlemen politicians and public figures, keep in mind:. TV can be a long time stronger than the refrigerator. Of course, empty the refrigerator, too, the call ultimately appeals to instinct rather than reason. That is why it is not known when and on which “exploits” push notorious Russian nation inexorably growing emptiness of this essential household items. But the weighty word, believe me, the refrigerator is still tell. And I’m afraid that the wait is not so long …
Gennady Gudkov Learn more at http: // www .oilru.com / news / 501749 /
Source: Moskovsky Komsomolets

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