February 25, 2016, 11:00
CHELYABINSK, Academy of Sciences of the “Access”
Wandering guest stabbed the landlord, who was watching TV at night – chelyabinets wounded died in hospital, according to news agency reports “Access”.
The incident occurred on the night of Wednesday, February 24, in the hostel apartment, located in the street of the World. The three men drank alcohol together. The owner and one of the guests went to bed at night, and a second visitor, who is homeless, was watching television. The owner of the home, awakened by a loud noise, asked him to make a quiet, but he did not agree. Between men there was a conflict.
«In the course of a quarrel visitor grabbed a knife and stabbed the owner in the torso several times. The noise woke up the second guest, who saw what is happening and tried to disarm the attacker. In the scuffle, and he himself received facial wound, but he could take away from the attacker’s knife and called an ambulance. The owner of the home died in hospital, “- said the head of JI Metallurgical district of Chelyabinsk SU TFR for the region Alexander Danilov
It is noteworthy that the victim was disabled, so the attacker could not have resistance. Homeless and unemployed viewer arrested by the Criminal Investigation Department. At the moment he was charged under Section 4 of Article 111 of the Criminal Code (causing grievous bodily harm that resulted in death). The investigation has submitted to the court for the conclusion of the attacker into custody. Previously, he was prosecuted for a similar article.
Olga Plekhanov

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