Once the news about troubles in the Crimea doubters in favor of its accession to Russia has increased
Note to news from Ukraine in Russia continues to decline, while the number of doubters in favor of joining the Crimea, on the contrary, is growing more, it follows from the last poll by the Levada Center. ” These changes reflect the dynamics of strictly television pictures, experts said.
The number of respondents who are interested in developments in Ukraine over the past year fell by almost half. In January 2015, the first “very closely” watched the news from Kiev 16%, then this January those scored only 8%. Quite closely the events a year ago, the neighbors watched 43%, and now there are only 25%. If you add the two numbers, it turns out, only a third, which means that most have those who are not Ukrainian events is particularly interesting. Last January sociologists talked about it as a whole 40%. By January of this year, the figure rose to 64% already.
It seems that the results of this survey quite clearly reflect the content of television programs broadcast goskanalov – and nothing more. So, now clearly see that in the news greatly decreased the number of mentions of Donbass and Kiev. Incidentally, the Crimea has recently covered are not always in a positive manner – Russians often talked about trips to the Peninsula electricity and food blockade.
According to the survey by the Levada Center, TV on the attitude of Russians to the Crimea was also influenced uniquely. When in May 2015, of the question “Do you support the accession of the Crimea” “definitely yes,” replied the maximum – 56%, while in January 2016 they had 47% left. But less confident in that respondents answered “probably yes”, by contrast, has increased – 36% vs. 29% in May. “Definitely not support” and “rather than support the” joining of Crimea – 13% compared with 8% in May. In addition, the greatly increased number of difficult to answer the question, whether brought the Crimea to Russia more good or harm. In March 2015, the first did not know what to say, 12%, and now – 19%. It is in this category, and it took almost all of the decrease in the percentage of the survey graphs, which recorded positive responses (61% vs. 70).
Director of the Levada Center Lev Gudkov said, “Nezavisimaya Gazeta” that the interest in the events in Ukraine has decreased because the weakened state propaganda: “Attention is now diverted to other areas. There was tension with Syria and Turkey and even anti-Ukrainian and anti-Western propaganda is not stopped, their intensity prigashena. ” He stressed that the decline in interest in Ukraine – a stable trend: “I understand that the Kremlin leadership is looking for a way out of a situation in which drove itself, but saving face and the Crimea.” By the way, despite the fact that enthusiasm for Crimea weakened, the expert said, people believe – just get it, do not give back the same, but the number have realized the negative consequences still increasing.
The first vice-president of the Center for Political Technologies, Alexei Makarkin also believes that interest in Ukraine, the Russians fell because “it did not show on television.” In the Crimea, he said, the citizens really growing understanding that its accession has serious costs. And even more doubters was because of the situation with the energy blockade of the peninsula part of Ukraine.

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