Sunday, February 7, 2016

Natalya Gulevskaya, TV or fridge? – A summary of Ukrainian and World News

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Natalya Gulevskaya, TV or fridge?

07.02.2016 14:10

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TV or refrigerator?

Many people debating about whether to participate in the anti-constitutional crime called elections or not?

All news releases on the participation of the "opposition" in the elections of the State Duma - nonsense and misinformation. Today, the opposition is not allowed in the legal public sphere the jurisdiction of Russia and the completion of Putin's series of new political parties and public organizations - is not the emergence of opposition and the consolidation and strengthening of the authoritarian regime, in which for each seat are waging a fierce struggle against a variety of characters in any branch of government.

If the election all of course, and this controversy is needed only for the so-called "non-systemic" opposition "to somehow justify their desire to get into the" brigade "of Putin, the dilemma - who wins, TV or refrigerator, today more relevant than ever.

The problem is the most painful for the regime, as the previous government, the successors of which Putin and his entourage himself proudly announce solved its blood

and mercilessly

TV or fridge - it's not a literal understanding of this comparison. People below the poverty line, even in well-fed days there was no refrigerator, so we are not talking about them.

This is a different order of problem, it is not about those who empties the fridge and the people who fill them - businessmen, entrepreneurs and self-sufficient citizens. It is they who, at a time when state propaganda and policies do not allow them to continue the process of production of essential goods will be faced with a choice - to repay the growing inferiority of their business from their personal savings and to finalize means to turn into the same hungry and disfranchised mass or enter into confrontation with the government and try to defend their earned assets. In the period of dispossession of their predecessors is not only possible, but most of them were tortured and killed. But then the TV (power) and a fridge (business) were different actors political infighting, and today - is fused integrally

Echo of Moscow

<. p> - Ukrainian and World News


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