Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Doctors explained how to watch TV without any harm to the eyes – Chronicle world events

 The doctors explained how to watch TV without  any harm to the eyes <-! dle_image_end -> Your TV may strongly” plant a “vision.

In order to visual acuity did not decrease with age or under the influence of external negative factors, should pay attention to the rules and watching movies and TV shows, reports with reference to the Hronika.info healthinfo.ua.

The evening in front of TV – a traditional pastime for many people who want to escape and relax after a hard day’s work. But can relax with their eyes (especially if the work was closely associated with the computer or the fine print directories)? In order not to harm their health, and at the same time to enjoy viewing the new movie, you need to know about simple precautions.

As you know, when looking at the eyes of subjects are in constant motion. Looking at the moving images, eyeballs get considerable strain. To assess its objective, it is necessary to start to pay attention to their own position. As we sit in front of TV? Conveniently located in a comfortable chair at a sufficient distance from the screen, skorchivaemsya on the floor, stretched on the couch …

The correct position is a body in which the head forms a straight line with the spine, or some time later the skeletal muscles overworked and start to hurt. Important is the distance to the screen. Few people pay attention to it, especially in a small apartment, where lack of space is automatically dictates the rules of placement of furniture. But too great a distance causes overstrain ocular muscles, especially at a reduced visual acuity: a person is forced to stare at the screen, squint, mow the eye, and if it is too small, it gradually leads to the development of myopia, or violations of the accommodative process

. in no case should not allow young children and school children to watch TV for a long time. Especially harmful to include it when the baby makes lessons. Our brain can only concentrate on one class, so any distraction will distract the child from homework. In addition, it will constantly look to translate the textbook on the screen, and his eyes will inevitably overworked.

The time factor is of great importance. If a visit to the cinema is limited to the duration of the film, the front of the TV can be discreetly spend most of the day. This will inevitably develop a variety of visual impairment, and more often – myopia

In addition to the physical exertion, the eyes of TV fans are suffering from a chronic shortage of fresh air.. It is no secret that the ventilation in older homes is often ineffective, and many people simply forget about ventilation, so the weekend, during the continuous television viewing, all the organs of our body do not get enough oxygen. Among the consequences of this “starvation” is one of the first places occupies a reduced visual acuity.

In order to prevent undesirable effects, it is necessary to limit the length of time watching television standard film (about 1.5 hours), allow the children to the television only at the weekend, for 20-30 minutes, and do not forget about the regular gymnastics for the eyes, the different ways of relaxation and attention switching.

Watching movies is less harmful to the eye as a flicker of motion pictures on the big screen stimulates the retina work more than changing the image on the screen of the TV or matrix. Moreover, in modern cinemas installed climate control for optimum room temperature and a constant flow of conditioned air

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, when you visit the cinema should occupy seats according to individual needs:. When myopia is best to get a closer look to the screen, and at long sight – farther apart. If your doctor has prescribed constant wearing of glasses or contact lenses, you should not remove them. It is desirable that the place was in the center of the auditorium, and not on the edge
While watching the film undesirable tilting your head -. It must be in line with the spine

It is desirable to monitor the uniformity of breathing and often. blinking, as a result of tissue eyeballs are uniformly wetted and to receive enough oxygen

Read also. The best exercises for a healthy back

During the break between lots of film (or monotonous long scene) you can close your eyes, make a few simple relaxation exercises or gently massage the eyelids.

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