Sunday, June 26, 2016

TV for the citizen chief – CARAVAN

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Greed head of the colony in Semey cost him his career, and 15 and a half million tenge

42-year-old lieutenant colonel, served in law enforcement for over 20 years, in recent years, led the establishment of RH-156/16. Since 2014 the colony convict serving a sentence, to which the chief institutions have developed a trusting relationship. In the late autumn of last year, the convict was released, and in January in Semey colony was transferred from another institution is another convict.

After learning about the former prisoners, caressed the attention of the prison, the rookie was able to turn to released from prison a man asking to negotiate with the leadership of the institution on the early release

-. within the limits of its powers the chief institutions could apply to the court to submit sentenced to parole and replacement of the unserved part of the punishment on a softer look, – explained in the press service of the court number 2 Semey city

The offender had hoped that with the help of such an agreement, the administration will go to court with the petition for parole for him.. As a result, ex-convict, who turned in the role of mediator, twice asked to help the new convict. The authorities apprehended the request favorably, but in exchange for the service head of the colony demanded a brand new TV set, its value should vary between 300 thousand tenge . The mediator stated requirements sister prisoner, and she appealed to the prosecutor’s office

Meanwhile, the head of the colony began to put pressure on the potential donor

-.. Wanting to bring their malice to the end and show superiority over convicts he imposed a disciplinary punishment for being late for 10 minutes after leaving the city for the purchase of essential goods, – reported the press service of the court number 2

As a result, the sister prisoner has acquired the TV “Samsung” worth 259,990. tenge. After a couple of hours the intermediary handed it to the chief of the colony in the area of ​​the Central Mosque. And that evening briber was arrested in a cafe anticorruption service staff of the Department of National Security Committee of the East Kazakhstan region for receiving illegal material compensation.

The court emphasized that it is a corruption offense belongs to the category of serious, noted a violation of the oath and the fact that a criminal offense has been committed law enforcement officer. But taking into account the positive characteristics and the absence of a criminal record in the now former head of the colony, the court ruled, not connected with deprivation of freedom.

– Sentence Court Chief institutions OV-156/16 convicted and sentenced for taking bribes to a fine in the amount of 15,599,400 tenge (60 times the size of bribes) with confiscation of property and life deprivation of the right to hold public office – told the court number 2 Semey city

Families <. / p>

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