The company “My TV» ( brand) launches service to access the social network “in contact” through television, told “Vedomosti” CEO Andrew Cool and social network representative confirmed Evgeny Krasnikov. With top box user can enter on the TV screen in your account social network and get access to publications on the wall, videos, newswire and groups in which a member. Sotsseti usually used through a mobile device or computer, in the case of a television becomes “second screen”, explains the cold. distributes set-top boxes and is a holding company Inline Technologies Group (ITG) Vladimir Varivoda. Now the platform “tens of thousands” of users, says Cool. With the application “Vkontakte» hopes for the year to increase its customer base by 4-5 times – up to about 100 000. The cost of developing an application it evaluates “a few hundred thousand dollars.” In 2015, TNS estimated average monthly audience “in contact” at 50.5 million people.
«In Touch” is very rich in visual content and the application is focused on the viewing of these materials, explains the cold. Theoretically, the user can connect the TV to a smart computer, but “in terms of aesthetics and convenience,” a special application would be preferable, CEO expects While the application is running as a beta-test, which will last at least a month. Social Network – technologically complex mechanism, and without testing is difficult to take into account all the nuances of working with it, says Cool. For example, the application does not allow us to make a post or leave a comment. Do I need a similar functionality, it will become clear in the course of testing.
Music is not necessary
«In Touch” legalized almost all the musical content of its users. Agreements have already been reached with the majors such as Sony, Warner Brothers, negotiated with Universal. But the music content in the application will not. Clushaem music on your TV users simply do not want to, he says Cool.
The new application will last long, because immediately faced with claims from all market participants – holders and online cinema, says CEO WebKontrol Olga Valigurskaya. The reason – in the abundance of illegal content hosted in the social network by its users. Video services are paid large sums of money for the purchase of legal content and prevent a situation in which they will compete with pirated content, they can not explain Valigurskaya.
In 2014, developers have released application “in contact” for smart TVs Samsung and LG. A few days after the launch of the service was removed from the catalog of applications for these TVs. Vendors have seen for themselves the legal risks involves Valigurskaya. As is the case with, «In Touch” only provides its ecosystem with a programmable interface (API) for third-party developers, emphasizes Krasnikov.
Legal risks in the application is started cold does not see. not engaged in any storage or broadcast video, but merely provides a link between the user and service, he explains. Krasnikov considers relationships with content owners to competence In addition, the last two years “in contact” heading for the legalization of the materials placed on the resource, say Krasnikov and cold.
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