Meanwhile, the law gives consumers the opportunity to experience this discomfort – you just . to make a claim for this equipment for temporary use of the swing Fund
However, this right is enjoyed by few people – some out of ignorance, while others simply resign themselves to explanations merchants: they say, there is a shop capabilities give you the right technique at the time. For some trading companies do not burden themselves with the duty to have this very fund a replacement. Meanwhile, sellers can be punished for it. Such, for example, have recently taken place in the practice of Rospotrebnadzor in the Orenburg region.
The consumer turned to the experts for the protection of the rights of consumers complaining about the Company “ Management”, which employees refused give him the time of warranty repairs TV similar device from the submenu Fund. And it is – nothing more than a violation of the requirements of paragraph 27 of the Rules of the sale of certain goods and paragraph 2 of art… 20 of the Federal Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights».
According to the requirements of paragraph 2 of Art. 20 of the Act and par. 27 of the Rules, in the event the buyer corrective manufacturer defects of the goods durables or replacement of the goods the buyer is entitled at the same time be required to provide it for the period of repair or replacement of goods similar goods of good quality.
For the violations of legislation in the field of consumer protection Rospotrebnadzor punished sellers. With respect to LLC “ Management” was drawn up on an administrative offense under Art. 14.15 of the Administrative Code. As a result of the violation of the deadline to meet the requirements of the consumer paid the company a penalty fee of one percent of the price of the TV.
So you have to enjoy the rights provided by the law, but also know where to go in case of violation. Add: consumer demand for temporary use of the goods has a limited swing of the Fund. Exceptions are goods included in a special list of goods to which this rule does not apply. The list was approved by the Russian Government.
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