Monday, November 2, 2015

A resident of Khakassia stole a TV, and a few days later returned to its owner – News Agency “Khakassia-Inform”

The incident occurred in the village of Sunny Ust-Abakan District. A man stole a TV from a friend, passed it to a pawn shop, and, fearing punishment, he redeemed and returned to the owner. However, the criminal case is still to have already – the investigation continues.

Academy “Khakassia-Inform»:

The two men spent the evening, drinking alcoholic beverages. However, alcohol at some point ended. Then the guest house owner offered to lay the TV to the pawnshop, and used the money to continue the fun. Owner expensive equipment from such undertaking has refused.

However, his friend stood his ground when a friend fell asleep, the attacker made a TV and passed it to a pawn shop, as planned. Received 5000 rubles a man spent for personal needs, the press service of the Ministry of Interior of Khakassia.

In the morning after a feast master of the house woke up and found in the usual place of the TV. Some days the owner of the TV waiting until friend come to its senses and return stolen. When expectations were inconclusive, the victim went to the police. Damage to the applicant assessed at 20,000 rubles.

To search for thieves started the police. When the attacker knew that looking for him, he quickly bought a TV and returned to the rightful owner. But, alas, it is the responsibility did not save him.

With regard to the 36-year-old attacker was a criminal case on grounds of crime under Part 2 st.158 Criminal Code – theft. The investigation of the criminal case continues, the punishment the court will determine the man.


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