A couple of thoughts about the effectiveness. In the protracted sluggish hybrid warfare it is very important for someone who will be a useful idiot. LIH, for example, is well aware. And full vparivaet hateful infidels its oil at dumping prices, earning a jihad on those with whom he is fighting. In my opinion – a brilliant combination. (OK, not like LIH, can be replaced with the United States that this concept also captured perfectly. Take Russia has five hundred billion Stabilization Fund and invest in their government bonds to the money to continue to impose sanctions against Rosii? Yes, no question).
The most powerful weapon that a Russian – not nuclear warheads. The most powerful weapon that a Russian – is television. And it is no doubt a solarium in the Crimea may not be enough for the generators in hospitals, but for mobile “Gazelles” screens, “Russia-24″ sorlyary always enough. And on these screens will be shown as a fascist Poroshenko and his junta want to arrange a famine and genocide in most of these Crimean hospitals.
So the Kremlin Ukrainian non-delivery of products and electricity will not be affected in any way. That’s not at all. He stupidly do not care.
But they will affect the economy of Ukraine. That already collapsed so that Mama Do not Cry, and which currently need any penny. Generally any. And the market for goods which are extremely limited. In fact, the lion’s share of sales of Ukrainian goods – it was Russian. And Europe is not, and so the market is saturated and that did not let the tears on its market of new players.
It follows a logical chain.
Stopping the supply of food to the Crimea and cuts electricity, Ukraine becomes a useful idiot for Russia itself has itself been cut economy itself from itself by creating the image of a fascist, and in the long term, making it difficult to return the loyalty of the region.
Following the trade with the Crimea and the Russian food and energy, Ukraine is making a useful idiot of Russia, at the expense of money that can lift our economy, establishing markets and implementing food expansion in enemy territory, and then, in the future, raising economy and building an army and restore its territorial integrity.
Conclusion – trade with Russia in general than all possible, to give the maximum revenue from the enemy – a plus for Ukraine. Do not sell – minus. Making a fool of God ordered.
The problem of collecting taxes from this trade – a different story.
Summary – as a single exponential action, the blockade of the Crimea had a certain effectiveness.
As a strategic perspective – no.
Somehow it seems to me.
Source: Facebook

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