The department of bailiffs Bashmakovskomu Pachelmsky District was arrested and appliances for the debts on loans. At the moment, only in these two areas of the debts of citizens and legal entities to credit institutions account for more than 69 million rubles.
So, one of the residents Bashmakovsky District owed more than 140 thousand rubles, while the cash refund to the bank at the He does not. Therefore, the bailiff was arrested the debtor’s property – LCD TV, washing machine and refrigerator.
Another debtor was the organization which for the debt in the amount of 1.45 million rubles arrested all the computer equipment.
In the case of non-repayment of debt to the bank debtor’s property will be sold, the funds to repay accounts payable.
Recall: Kuznetsk bailiffs arrested five evening dresses belonging to the businessman, who has a duty to taxes.

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