Kuznetsk bailiffs seized the property owned by local private entrepreneurs.
How to tell the agency “PenzaInform” the press service of the regional UFSSP, one of the businessmen – he does sale of clothes – owed the tax office for more than 25 thousand. rub.
When the representatives of the agencies in a joint raid visited a retail outlet, a man repaid part of the debt – 16 thousand. The account balance enforcement officers arrested five evening gowns totaling 12 thousand. To bring them back, the debtor shall within five days to make money.
Another entrepreneur is the owner of the cafe. Taxes, he also did not pay. Bailiffs to foreclose on the TV and sofas facing the institution. According to preliminary estimates, the cost is 26 thousand. Rub. If a businessman does not repay the debt, the property will be sold.
«In another shop, where the retail trade provides an individual entrepreneur to repay the tax debt from cash seized funds. In total, during the raid worked out 45 enforcement proceedings, which recovered 31 thousand. Rub., And made two arrests in the amount of 38 thousand. “- According to the Federal Bailiff Service.
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