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19.11.2015 rock press with a personal trainer with children under the direction of professional educators, prepare dinner with the chef – without leaving home
Watch TV unfashionable? It should be, you just do not know what the modern television. Learn to plan a vacation, sharpen culinary skills, or simply to keep abreast of events is now much easier with the “Television Electronic City”. But first things first.
1. Stay informed!
Believe me, you can not even imagine how many channels you need. The “e-city” of more than 120 – and this is a point of reference, rather than a constant number of channels is constantly growing. The figure covers almost all spheres of our life, but more importantly, opens up new possibilities. Busy schedule leaves no time to visit the gym? Engage with the TV channel “Live” in your own living room at any time convenient for you. A professional trainer will show all the nuances and, mind you, do not ask a penny for their services. After work, I want to dive into a pleasant intellectual laziness, allowing the brain to relax? Fox or Amedia I – at your service. Look for the new, and review your favorite series – a variety of impressive.
There is a TV pro sports, cooking, travel, there is even a meditative channels where you can spend hours listening to the surf while enjoying the views from the warm shallow waters of the distant Siberian Ocean. For self – TV channels with free training, comments on world events, and even the latest news from the world of art! There are TV channels, 24 hours a day, featuring a cocktail of jazz, performances of artists of the world of opera and ballet. And all this – without plaque pension slumber, for you only the most modern productions, for instance Medea here before you appear in the image of a rebel Amy Winehouse with all the consequences.
2. Safe Childhood
Opportunities “Television Electronic City” provides the youngest viewers. Poole main children’s channel includes a lot of interesting options: cartoons, gymnastics, programs for early development and so on. But the main advantage lies in the parental control of children’s broadcast. “Children’s Profile” – TV function, which allows to protect the child from inappropriate content. It works very simple: special menu, you program the TV to certain parameters. Specify ages, while viewing with a password – and voila! TV set so that the child does not know the password can not watch any channels other than those that fit his age. And to do so he will be able to set strict time caring parents. Options include not only the airwaves but also on content sharing network “Pierce.” With “child profile” problem children’s TV addiction you will be unfamiliar. And while the children are in a safe viewing area, you can safely go about their business.
3. Manage ether!
There was a time when we run headlong to the TV at a certain time, because it was the start time favorite series. It was, but it was. Today, the air can be adjusted by itself. In stressful time TV shows for the call? Put broadcast pause, quietly talking, and then lightly pressing the buttons on the remote control to start viewing from the place where you left off. You do not miss anything interesting? Click “live” and squander forward to the point of broadcast. But it also happens the other way around: you turn on the TV, and there very well, interesting program, but the air already in the middle. Do not despair, simply press the “first look”. This is not a fantasy world, it’s today.
4. Do not miss an interesting
At the possibilities do not end there: see current TV program broadcasts and even archive – recording broadcasts, which saved all the programs, series and movies over the past few days. Rewind to the story, which does not want to lose, and enjoy the show, by the way, without advertising. After all, you are no longer on the air, which means that you can run through and all that you’re not interested.
5. More convenience, more services!
On the big screen you can watch YouTube videos on TV or listen to the radio, and even those that broadcast in Novosibirsk is not conducted. Integrated and services such as “Pierce”, which allows access to the widest variety of high-quality content. Do not have to download anything, you can watch movies on the same principle as the online movie on popular websites.
6. Quality counts
A wide range of channels available in HD-quality, and some are even in 4K – the new format, which is, as you might guess from the title, four times the quality of HD. Put simply, it means that the TV picture will be incredibly realistic! 4K – a novelty for our city, over time the number of ultra-high-definition television images will grow.
7. Watch the city from the TV screen
Another very convenient service – “Crossroads.” On-line you can watch the situation on the busiest thoroughfares of the city. There is also an archive, so you can keep track of the time information of interest, plan a route or, for example, to find out where her husband is in the tube, thereby deciding when to submit dinner.
8. See how convenient
View options “Television Electronic City” are numerous: a set top box or through using a Smart TV, through a mobile app on a smartphone or tablet, but if you want – on your PC or laptop. User-friendly interface “My Account” allows you to control all the parameters: see the account balance, adjust TV channels, change the package, there is even the weather!
«Television Electronic City».
See how handy!
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