November 2015 may go down in history not so much in connection with the military disruptions in Syria, but because of the first large-scale protests, caused by economic reasons. It is, of course, about the protests against the Russian truckers toll collection system “Platon” tolls on federal highways. It is possible, however, that no significant consequences of these events will be. So for the Swamp and even for Pussy Riot there is a place in the history books of the future, but for truckers – no.
beggars not to protest
First of all, we need to understand why these protests did not have before. The obvious answer to this question lies in the fact that before – at least after the story a decade ago with the “monetization” – there was no particular reason to protest. There is quite a popular theory that the oil and gas abundance of “zero” has allowed the Russian authorities to buy the passivity, if not the loyalty of the majority of citizens. However it is far from clear that this theory is applicable to the protests caused by economic reasons.
The experience of many authoritarian regimes have not confirmed. Take, for example, China, whose economic success in recent decades have been enormous, it is not comparable with the rather modest achievements of Russia.

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