Miass, Chelyabinsk region, November 3, 2015, 20:04 – REGNUM In the Chelyabinsk region girl who was not yet a year old, I got into the intensive care unit of a hospital in Miass after she fell on the head of the TV. What happened today, November 3, was confirmed by the investigation department of the region. There’s also reported that a serious head injury received a baby on the night of 1 November 2 under mysterious circumstances while. Now the child’s condition, doctors estimate as heavy.
Note that the baby is currently in a state of coma, and doctors are afraid to make any predictions regarding its health. In turn, the investigating authorities are trying to find out how a small child could drop on his head a heavy television and why a rather late hour near the girl was not an adult. If it turns out that 10-month-old baby has suffered due to the negligence of parents, they can be punished.
Recall that in Miass a month ago there was a tragedy almost 3-year old boy, a few minutes to dance on the outer sill of a window on the eighth floor. Video, without exaggeration, the number of fatal fall into the net and was widely across the country. As it turned out, the fearless little boy decided to explore the area from a height, when his father and mother moved the furniture in the room next door, and he was left unattended in the kitchen. Fortunately, this story had a happy ending. Which entered the kitchen mother, from what he saw almost fainted, but was able to pull myself together and carefully remove the baby from the window.
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