Viktor Nazarov
In this edition of” farm “, we hope to close finally the theme of the new government of the Omsk region. Last week was announced the main “portion of the” names of the new ministers and chiefs – no surprises and no cost. The most important of these, of course, was the return of the clip in the power of the former first deputy mayor Tatiana Vizhevitovoy, has become, quite simply, the vice-governor in charge of the social block. Just say, evaluation of the item is not specific to its purpose. For such a controversial person as Tatiana (on the one hand – the iron grip of energy and commitment, on the other – train of scandals with a diploma, party, the absence of a strong preference for thinking), I think even the “duty” to hell with radish not fit. In general, we will in future have to assess the real business of the new deputy chairman of the regional government. Paints the same picture on a rotten tomato belongs to the other two appointees – ex-banker Yuri Karyuchinu, took over as Chief of Staff of the Governor and the Government of the Omsk region, and already mentioned in a previous “farm” the new head of Property Boris Smolnikova. One media immediately remembered all the scandals (alas, in the plural) with the participation of its former employees and public accusations against him, the second – an ambiguous employment to his relative, steering a controversial company.
Second rotten tomato Viktor Nazarov revealed to the world famous maestro Vladimir Spivakov, who told about the letter from the governor to the news of the cancellation of planned for 2016 Year International Competition for Young Violinists named Yuri Yankelevich, who is honorary president of the maestro. Formally justifiable reason – a reference to the decision of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on the reduction of funds. But we somehow think that the provincial authorities have the power to anything, “tear” myself, favorite somewhere in the other expenditure to finance actively gaining fame points competition, and even in the sign for Omsk anniversary year. Separately, we note that the governor could not find the time (about it? Time? Willpower?) To very sad to announce this decision. As announced by the world-famous musician, the news received an additional resonance, is not necessary in this case, the provincial authorities.
Let us turn to the fact that the head of the region does not give up (let’s hope that we do not need the word” yet “). At a meeting with the regional governor of business ombudsman and the head of Yuri Gerasimenko OOSP Dmitry Shadrin it became clear that Viktor Nazarov not only still supports the idea advocated by entrepreneurs UTII conservation, but also puzzled regional legislators to find a solution to this problem at the local level. Encouraging the search for an apple.
The second apple, we celebrate the opening of a new ultra-modern center of Nephrology and hemodialysis-based NFM-4. With its launch, scheduled for November 16, reportedly Omsk patients in need of blood purification procedures, no longer have to be written to the queue. The center is organized in the framework of public-private partnerships with the private medical institution “Nefrosovet”, it invested 220 million rubles extra investment. Spoon of tar in a barrel of honey – public interpret that power in response, courtesy greatly overestimate for “Nefrosoveta” tariff on hemodialysis.
Vyacheslav Dvorakovsky
The mayor Vyacheslav Dvorakovsky last week new “light up” in federal air. And the illumination of the glad, perhaps even less than last time, when the stringer “Layfnyus” filmed his vacation in the Czech Republic. At this time of the Omsk city administration “walked” very “Channel One”, and the mouth of its main diva Ekaterina Andreeva. Commenting on the already well-known on the internet video of “snow” repair the roads on the street 36th North, star presenter explicitly stated that in Omsk buried millions in mud and snow. Maybe the TV crew to the “First” themselves stumbled on this story may be – they threw him someone from the local, wishing a speedy displacement of the mayor. One thing is clear – no explanations about the technology, allegedly allowing the coating to put in bad weather, against such a dray black PR is not a “mill”. Definitely a rotten tomato.
Apple the City Hall receives for such we can say , which has recently become a familiar fact, as the opening of a new kindergarten. At this time – by more than 150 children at the school №161 in the district “Input”. On the construction of a new preschool was sent to more than 110 million rubles, coped with all the works in less than a year. Yes, let more and more kindergartens are becoming commonplace, we will still for each of them giving and giving apples – for this, we do not feel sorry.

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