Wednesday, December 25, 2013

In Omsk, the TV did not promise to create worse Russia Today - RIA Omsk-Inform

Soon Omsk appears international press center and the new channel. The TV will operate the most modern equipment.

During today’s press conference, the Deputy Director General of Interstate Development Corporation (MCS) Sergei Demensky (pictured right) and CEO of “MCS-Media» Pautov Paul (pictured left) announced plans to promote their media projects.

As already reported RIA “Omsk-Inform”, not so long ago, “MCS” bought the company “TeleOmsk-acme.” Corporation already owns “Omsk television company,” which runs at the federal channel “REN».

As Sergei Demensky, headquarters of the new company “MCS-Media” will be exactly in Omsk, but the goal of this project – the assets not only in Russia, but and in all countries where the media represented the interests of “MCS-Media.” The authorized capital of the company is 20 million rubles.

Pautov Paul, who was invited for the post of Director General of “MCS-Media”, explained why the headquarters, it was decided to place it in Omsk.

– Here, the main production base, this year it was produced, the production site, technological complex for “OTC”. There will be international press center with all the features translate into several languages, broadcast on the Internet and satellite TV channels, – said General Director of “MCS-Media».

According Pautova, the first stage of the production site was completed last year, when it created the “Omsk television company.” Priority now is cooperation with “REN-TV” – a network partner “OTC».

And soon begin broadcasting new product – “Promotion”, registered in Omsk. Initially, the channel was to start broadcasting on December 30, but that day will only be a pilot project. While the new product will be able to see only subscribers of “ER-Telecom”, which has already signed a contract. Most likely, according to Pautova basically begin broadcasting on February 1 frequency “TeleOmska-AKME”, which will leave the transmission channel and projects “Promotion.” And these programs are very diverse – from news to movies and documentaries, as well as culinary programs.

Thus, the basis of its own broadcasting issues in the amount of three separate formats: morning, afternoon and evening, news and analytical programs, talk shows, their own investigations correspondents own documentaries and movies from the collection of the world teledokumentalistiki. For young Omsk prepared a huge collection of animation for adults – televizioonye series and feature films.

Pautov noted that the group “TeleOmsk-AKME” is not going anywhere. He teamed up with a team of “Promotion” to, including, and make a new product.

– Collective “AKME” – a huge acquisition, talent pool – said Pautov. – We did not lose a single man

However, Sergei Demensky spoke about international broadcasting.

– We are far from being able to create a broadcasting company “Mir”. We do not plan to play on this site looking for ways to interact with separate companies, with countries where a high percentage of the Russian population – said Demensky. – Investment in new projects next year will be about 1 billion rubles.

This billion, in particular, will be equipped with a new television center on the street Omsk, where to place the base of multiprogramming, similar to that which operates television channel Russia Today. In the Russian regions, according Demensky Pautova and such equipment is not, and the world’s only about 200 companies that can boast of such software.

add that Paul Pautov, formerly CEO STRC “Omsk”, said that he would not claim against the assets “12 channel”, if any, will be put up by the Government Omsk region on the auction.

RIA “Omsk-Inform»

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24.12.13 13:17

Tags: Paul PautovSergey Demensky

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