Sunday, December 22, 2013

Television was named the most popular leisure activities in 2013 - Journal Mediasat

Watching television remains the main vremyapovozhdeniem Americans. Since the results of the final research company Nielsen in 2013.


again surpassed Internet time that people set aside for each of these activities. Thus, the average American watched television in the past year to 35 hours per week. While the use of the Internet it took a little over 5 hours, and to view the video in the network – only a half hours in a week. Slightly less (1.3 hours weekly) people watched video on mobile.

Traditional television remains the main preference of the audience not only in the United States. Worldwide people are interested in appliances and continue to buy TVs.

In Britain, people are watching TV is removed in less time than in the U.S. – about 28 hours a week. There came to the conclusion that the popularity of television in people in this country is mainly associated with the live broadcasts of sporting and other events, as well as popular television series like “The residents of the East End” and “Golden Youth Chelsea».

amount of time given to the TV, also depends on the age of the audience. The most active fans of TV, based on research findings, there were people over fifty. They spend in front of a small screen for more than 40 hours weekly. Most restless audience was youth 18-24 years – an average of 22 hours a week for viewing. Representatives of the most productive age (25-50 years) spend watching TV about 30 hours weekly.

Another result 2013 – the audience continues to combine time watching TV with the work for a desktop computer, tablet or smartphone using. Television remains to stay afloat thanks to new technologies. For example, among all sold during the outgoing year were third with TVs feature 3D-video.

choice of technique for movies and television programs also depends on in which room of the house is a spectator. If living people still watch more traditional TV, the TV in the bedroom are on a Tablet PC. But interestingly, those who use tablets, generally watch TV and movies more than those who do not use such digital devices.

In the near future, experts expect growth to Nielsen views serials and films via Internet TV and Pay Per View services online VOD, as well as the growing popularity of TV systems SMART TV.

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