Kazan telediva the late 1990s – early 2000s Ajgul Mirzayanov left the post of general director of the first sport channel ITV . For the year of the head with Mirzayanov channel have failed to fulfill the declared ambitious goals – to gather a new audience and start earning money for the owner of the channel, Put $ 1 million. Mirzayanov herself in an interview with the newspaper “Business Online » explained his departure participation in some new media projects in the channel diplomatic assurances that it has completed all the arrangements, and the channel will retain concept.
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on concepts
ITV, probably the only one in the world with the concept of a sports channel, but no live broadcasts of sports events. The first year was a product with a vague concept, leading to unknown and, obviously, with a very modest budget. “Business Online» back in 2011 wrote that the private equity fund that is controlled by Ruslan Shigabutdinova, the son of director general of Taif, creates a new sportivnyytelekanal. Then the application of its leaders have been more than ambitious – two million spectators and 250 million rubles annual revenue by 2013.
For fans, however, it was strange that the year on the channel was only a couple of live broadcasts of sports matches. Moreover, the scheme was extremely intricate: Unics basketball paid private Moscow firm, she bathed in the TCP channel TNV, and the club gave the signal for ITV. Big profit from such television broadcasts are not received. Such one-time actions are not capable of bringing economic benefits, and basketball in its current state is not the most attractive to advertisers product. In May 2012, as CEO was invited Ajgul Mirzayanov . TV star hired as the flagship, able not only to make a new channel capable of get out of the pocket-size, but also, most importantly, to attract advertisers. Part of the problem was implemented. Mirzayanov – a man who is not particularly versed in sports, tales of how she confused the athletes namesakes or even sports typed with a dozen. However, there is no denying the fact that the once famous TV versed in television and knows something in PR. For the year ITV have learned about the city, correspondents channel began appearing at sporting events and create content. There are interesting presenters, some from the so-called “selebreti”, for example, the former captain of “Rubin» Sergei Kharlamov and his program «Offside». Yet at the same time the main transmission channel were tied at the very Mirzayanov, where she was leading, and author.
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cadres decide everything
ITV throughout its existence, is experiencing a serious shortage of personnel. The channel will serve only two people who have had experience working on TV and in the world of sports at the same time – Elena Gorbunchikova , which for many years substitute for Marseille Bikbaeva on the TV channel “Ether” and Alain Demin with experience in the federal channel. At the very beginning of professionals in the channel was more – Igor Sevryughin and Emilia Hakim went with ITV and a half months, the official version – due to disagreements c TV channel management. Sevryughin now correspondent of “Rain”, and Hakim producer on the channel “TNV Planet».
According to some reports, the first two months Mirzayanov fired from the channel about 40 people, some people have received severance pay in a week after it got a job.
lack of sports journalists – one of the most serious problems in Tatarstan sport. On the whole Kazan typed with a dozen high-quality shark pen that not only versed in the sport, but they can express their thoughts in the text. And to have people have the skills to work on TV – and all of these can be considered on the fingers of one hand. In many ways, the quality of the product affected is what is not corny enough people able to implement all the ideas. The most striking example – a program about hockey, the channel at the end of last summer, planned to launch the project, but this has not happened to this day.
When all the disadvantages and shortcomings of the progress of the channel compared to what it was before Mirzayanov, there is, but only in terms of unique content. Advertising, as a minimum quantity, and left.
real reason to care Mirzayanov channel ITV, according to sources, “Business Online», were unpaid for months. And the question about herself Ajgul replied evasively.
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Ajgul Mirzayanov in a conversation with the correspondent of “Business Online» admitted that part with the staff of the TV channel she was uneasy, and she explained her decision to participate in the new international project:
– Basically everything has been said on social networks, blogs and in the press, but I’m happy to tell you, and the reason for his departure. The reason is that there is a new project of an international character. In fact, I have long been preparing for this step. Of course, it was hard and sad to leave. The whole year we raised channel ITV. There were interesting and television projects, active work with the federations. All of this began to bear fruit, and the channel has become an interesting, recognizable.
– Do all turned out for this year’s work?
– No limit to perfection. I am a perfectionist by nature, so I think that we can always do better. I think the work done by ITV at 60 percent. It’s too much. To this there are objective reasons – not all depends on the head.
– What do you mean?
– It is understood that the channel does not belong to one owner. Link policy to determine the investors.
– There are reports that employees pay TV channel stable wages. Is that true?
– I will leave this question without comment.
– How do you assess the future prospects of the TV channel?
– You know, the specifics of the sports channel is such that it requires a huge investment. Some only live coverage of events – it’s a huge amount of money. It is quite possible that with my departure will change the policy. But I can say that we parted in a very friendly relationship. I wish the management performance of all plans for the channel and other types of businesses. I will continue to strongly support the channel. I will say this: it was the most ambitious project of my life. I have great interest in working there, remember with pleasure the time spent there. I think that in that time I have grown as a leader, as a manager and as a journalist. Although journalism was very little, not to the extent as desired. I mean work in the frame.
– Tell us more about your new project.
– It’s not just my project. As a PR person, as a journalist, I understand the benefits of it as much as possible to speak, but there are people who hold positions do not disclose any moments until September. But the project is really very interesting.
His comments
BUSINESS Online and gave the company – owner of the channel.
Ruslan Khalilov , the general director of “Direct Investment Fund”, producer of TV channel ITV:
– In fact, the decision was made long ago, that is all going and going according to plan. We initially talked about Ajgul that the channel ITV is the nature of the project. A task that was put in front of her, she performed. We expected to reach that reached – that is a 24-hour broadcast, more than 20 self-produced programs, all programs rated, lots of guests-experts. Ajgul this task completed. Now she is waiting for a media project in which the Fund is equity participation will not be taken. Ajgul as CEO of ITV replace Marat Ildarovich Miftakhov, whose extensive experience in this field, including seven years in the “Tatmedia».
– Will the content channel with the change of CEO?
– No. In terms of content, we had a sports oriented, so it will remain so. All transmissions that are designed to remain. Their creation is always checked with us, so all that has been created, we like it. Of course, everything flows, everything changes, but in general, which is now done completely satisfies us.
– Tests whether the channel some financial difficulties?
– It’s not even in financial difficulties. The project is clearly a commercial load. The channel widens, expenses increased. Maybe some individual sections we have not made a decision quickly. But the financial problems of the channel to date, no, we are working to further its commercialization. As on any TV channel, I think everything does not happen quickly. The work continues.
– The channel is not enough to live broadcasts of sporting events. What is your attitude towards direct translations?
– My personal attitude – it’s fun when it makes money. Therefore, I would have tried – most importantly cover the event. And to compete with the large federal companies, such as NTV-Plus or RTR who purchase the rights to broadcast, we can not at the level of the republic. I see as the most important thing to say about it, who won who did not win. In addition, the project was obtained Ajgul successfully with live broadcasts of matches UNICS. I repeat that the maximum forces throw out to cover the event. Oh, and will continue to cooperate with the “Ak Bars”, “Ruby”, the other clubs.
an audience HARD SELL
BUSINESS Online Experts have a few thoughts about the difficulties facing ITV.
Igor Sevryughin – a former chief information officer of ITV, Channel correspondent of “Rain” in Kazan.
– One of the key objectives were: to make a completely different channel, to increase the audience, and, accordingly, increase advertising. Actually, make a completely different channel failed, the audience is somehow increased. But one of the key indicators of the success of the commercial channels – this is advertising, but it either did not exist or were very few. I think that now, after the departure of Mirzayanov, there are two scenarios: the channel will remain the same as it was when Ajgul, or it will turn into a pocket TV, and what once was. Television for friends.
No ads speaks volumes: a platform on which the channel is not entirely successful – it’s a cable operator TVT, which today bought MTS. Second, the fact that the audience, which was chosen as the core, apparently was insolvent. Third, the channel broadcasts 4:00 in the cycle (so it was with me). Naturally, the audience is not interested in watching the same thing.
Marat Iblyaminov – Director of Radio “Europe +”, the director of “MM-press»:
– I say banal things, but it all depends on the channel from its content, whether that content is relevant, how high rating in this channel, how widely it is presented in cable networks, it is interesting how the audience. I will not mention specific names, but there are examples of so-called forcible “vpihivaniya” channel. Goes agreement with the operators – in the end on the first and second buttons are completely wrong channels. Many people do not even know how to set up one or the other channel, how to make the rotation, as places to change channels.
Have a moment there – the TV takes a back seat in terms of information, it’s often just an attribute of the interior of the apartment. At least in my house like that. The information flow is so strong now – social networks, twitter, news feeds work much faster. Federal channels can I watch on iPads, streaming broadcast online on 3G works fine.
With specific regard to ITV, I am not a fan of this channel. I occasionally glanced it purely from a professional point of view, to assess the level of mastery of content. I do not know now, but it used to be, so that the program on ITV were recorded and were a ring of 4-6 hours. I’ve seen people I know there: Mahmoud Arakaeva, Ajgul Mirzayanov. Then he quietly began to roll down the content to the purchase – something about the animals, even about something. The fact that I myself thought about the fact that a TV station, so I was curious to see how other people do it. I do not know, maybe all niches are occupied and there is no point in doing it.
is difficult to say whether their viewers find TV channel ITV, and how effective is it advertising. In the ranking of Gallup and other social research this channel did not appear. In the top ten in Kazan it is not. Again, it all depends on what kind of content will be given. Topic sport is very interesting. If you add a little imagination and creativity, I think, should be able to have children. The most important thing is not to sink to bytovuhe and philistinism.
Armando Diamante – CEO of TV channel “Ether-Naberezhnye Chelny”:
– TV advertising market is large, can subsist all, including cable operators. Of course, there is competition, the struggle for content, so you have to be of interest to the viewer. So how to compete in all the common areas can not, there is a trend of segmentation in the narrow areas, there are a purely sports channels, music and so on.
As for ITV, that he at one time had different directions, they did not start as a sports channel. In view of the Universiade decided to try this trend, and have implemented a specific promotion. The only thing that bothered me, is that Ajgul Mirzayanov was not special to the sport. How could she turn out? And the resources for a full sports channel is not enough. They can not show the matches, “Ruby” and “Ak Bars”, only okolosport. Sport – an expensive segment, sporting events require money.
I once offered them a certain path of development. Then they were completely limp, representing music videos, were similar to RU TV. I told them that the musical direction is a dead end. Then the owners decided to change the management, the management decided to move differently – in a sporting way. The idea then was. “We are going to do sports.” And what sport? That is, once there is a lot of questions are difficult to answer. In the end it turned out that they just pile up.
On the other hand, it is difficult to cable manufacturers – they have inadequate coverage. Segmentation and choose to go in this direction. Sport for television viewers quite segmented, uzkonapravlen. The sport is not interesting for everyone, but it can sell. Where next will move ITV, it’s difficult to say. Now they are still taking their first steps, and they can only wish good luck.
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