Friday, June 14, 2013

"Public television Russia": Broadcasting on the bones - Journal Mediasat

The state TV channel “Russia Public Television” (OTP) started test broadcasting May 19, 2013. After 100 hours of broadcasting on the concept of the new TV channel correspondent of the “Standard” Catherine Lashtun said General Director of ANO “OTP” Anatoly Lysenko .

– Have you identified with the audience? Who is your audience?

– Not yet, and I think that soon we will not be able to do it. Because the Russian audience he has not decided what he wants to watch TV. Comments and suggestions received on our website are completely different: someone wants to watch political programs, and someone – Brazilian soap operas. Unfortunately, the Russian television viewers accustomed to klipovoy perception, and when he is offered a 40-minute discussion of serious topics that were not interrupted by commercials, the viewer is difficult. I think that the Russians must be wondering how the laws are, how they work, and how these ideas come to mind their authors. Of course, our audience has yet to settle, and it will take some time. One thing is clear: it is the viewer intelligent, demanding and politically active, he wants to understand what’s going on in the country.

– What is the total annual cost of operating the OTP in its current form? What additional funding will be needed for the development of the channel?

– Public television was born spontaneously. Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev proposed the creation of a TV channel, he also endorsed the idea of ??it, the timing and funding. It was supposed to close the channel “Star” and create in its place OTP. I was totally against that, because he believed that public television should create only after we have in the country will have a civil society. In addition, to build “on the bones” of one channel or two I think is wrong. However, we received funding channel “Star”. But will it be enough budget to create a new channel, we were never asked. Characteristically, the budget “Stars” was made up of departmental advertising funds the Defense Ministry, which is almost 600 million rubles. In addition, this channel as opposed to the OTP has the right to advertise. As a result, we have received government funding in the amount of only 2/3 needed to create a new channel means. T echnical base we do not have space, too, by the Ministry of Defence is also no. We were given a utility room in the telecentre “Ostankino”, and 1.5 billion rubles. The money we got at the end of December last year. Fortunately, there were good people who worked for the promise to pay us a technical project for the same promise we recruited staff. About 700 million rubles spent on technical base, which will be ready by mid-July of this year.

emphasize that the channel – a project that requires a serious investment. According to my calculations, the funds allocated to us by the state have enough until the end of August. What happens after that, I do not know. The first way – to fire me, the second – to close the channel, the third – to find the money. I sincerely look forward to the third option.

– whether running on May 19 at the same time with the broadcast in standard quality and HD-version of the OTP?

– Yes, running. I also want to note that broadcasting in a fully digital format provided in the country since 2015. While not all cable operators are ready to receive the digital signal directly. Therefore, the signal is transcoded, and totally different, depending on the technical capabilities of the satellite operator. And we are the only station that has no analogue equivalent, we broadcast only in the “figure”.

– OTP included in the list of mandatory public television channels. What is the purpose of cable operators and satellite television should negotiate with you relay your signal?

– By law, cable operators must distribute TV channels appear on the list of mandatory public television channels. In accordance with the satellite operators, there is a big problem. Thus, the two largest Russian player – JSC “National Satellite Company” (“Tricolor TV”) and OAO “NTV-Plus” – is a broadcaster, and that we can apply to their platforms, we need to confirm and ensure that they are translating our do not violate the copyright and related rights. In this embodiment, the satellite operators are fully responsible for the content broadcasted.

– Does the OTP establish regional branches or regional network of correspondents?

– The issue of the establishment of branches complex. A good branch network is only at the holding RTR, he got the “inherited” from the Central Television. In my opinion, a branch network of this magnitude can not create a single Russian TV channel, at least in the next 50-60 years.

As correspondent network, our information service has about 120 people, and 80 regional companies are preparing for OTR various programs.

Catherine Lashtun

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