Anatoly Lysenko denies the existence of censorship on OTR
This week, one month old, both the Russian TV channels, a new channel – “Russian Public TV”.
On why the channel is facing fierce criticism and for that channel guide accused of censorship correspondent of Russian service Bi-bi-si Alex Timofeychevu said CEO OTP Press Anatoly Lysenko .
Bi-bi-si: Anatoly, one of the well-known journalists, with whom we spoke, preparing for this interview, stated categorically that led you feed the public in any way can not be as you appointed to the post president.
Anatoly Lysenko: It was Posner?
Bi-bi-si: Yes, it was him. How do you react to this kind of critical statements that emphasize the connection with the state OTP?
AL: Posner may stick to any point of view. Vladimir Vladimirovich [Posner] at all inclined to play the role of a guru. And on health – each has its own game.
I’m not interesteddefinitions and theoretical promises. Yes, today the “public television” exists in the state budget, and its CEO, who is editor of, and the Public Council, which also runs the channel, appointed by the president. Does this mean that the channel is not public?
You know, generally quite vague and it is unclear what public television … I think that this is a TV that works in the public interest. It’s not about who gets appointed. However, the head of the BBC BBC also appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of the prime minister. So, we can say that it is not public television? No. Bi-bi-si for all of us is a unique example of public television and radio.
Another thing, when I say, “But do as a Bi-bi-si”. I answer that you must first create England with century-old traditions, and then talk about public television. It, too, because sprouted. When in England, Parliament is guided by instructions approved by John Lackland – is one thing. When our Parliament has 15-20 years, and the party is quite ephemeral invented – is another.
So, really, is not so important who gets appointed. I remember all of these ideas about the creation of public television, the heads of which are popularly elected. And then what? We will be like at our election, to go with the cries that have chosen not to. And it always will be, because there will always be unhappy.
Silly absolute outward signs. The main public television – the query execution [of society]. We are guided by this.
Russian Public Television
TV channel broadcasting in test mode since May 19 this year.
The full
broadcasting to begin in September.
The shape of OTP – an autonomous non-profit organization. The channel is funded by the state, it lends.
previously assumed that in the future government funding should be replaced with a form of endowment – through the so-called target capital, which should be formed with the help of public donations and fundraising.
OTP operated by the Public Council of the channel 25. It is headed by Oleg Tabakov.
Council created the Public Chamber of Russia, approved by the president. The presidential decree on the establishment of the OTP stated that the Board can not get state employees, including deputies of the State Duma.
Council must exercise public control over the activity of the channel. Public Council of the Supervisory Board shall elect OTP, which defines the direction of the TV channel.
direct control of the OTP has been the CEO, who is also the editor in chief, who is appointed by the president.
OTP budget in 2013 amounted to 1.5 billion rubles. According to Lysenko, these funds will only last until August and September.
Bi-bi-si: What kind of queries in question?
AL: When to create “public television,” I was among those who did not support this idea. I thought, first, that we were late with its creation. Secondly, I thought that [in Russia] is not more civil society.
Then, when began to analyze the current situation, I realized that we have the beginnings of civil society. This is a huge amount of different kinds of civic associations, rather, citizens’ associations involved an interesting affair, which they consider useful. They are doing it without waiting for the participation and assistance of the state, and sometimes contrary to public officials.
Promote their work, help them, even though they are the most active critics of OTP – is, in my view, the problem of “public television”.
On the other hand, I will not hide the fact that some people, including my fellow journalists who believed that it should be “TV” Down “- frankly the opposition, which must constantly speak out against the authorities, shouting” Down with the “and” Get out! “
Opposition television should be [in Russian]. There should be no opposition. In my opinion, a sign of opposition is its position, pardon the pun, but I do not see the current position of the opposition. “Down!” – This is not the position.
Television, where every 15 minutes a person jumps out and shouts: “Down with the bloody regime of Putin!” – Is not, in my opinion, the public television.
We all grew up in a communist society, and the worst time was the slogan of “the great humanist” Alexei Gorky: “If the enemy does not surrender, then he must be destroyed,” and the second promise: “He who is not with us is – against us.” I am always motivated by other motto: “Who is not against us is – with us.” But a word about those who are not “us”, oddly enough, the most actively use our Democrats, though I myself all my life believed rabid Democrat.
We worked long and hard shouted, “But you do not show Navalny and Udaltsov”. Moreover, these two names all restricted. The impression is that if you show the photos in the corner Navalny and Udaltsov, it will improve the level of a fully democratic society.
We showednow and the trial of Navalny and interviews with him. We are the people in the programs, which are considered the leaders of the opposition. So what? Speak, speak, tell me! If you have any ideas, please, speak them. We do not shout nor “Cheers Putin!” Or “Down with Putin!”.
OTP – it’s not a simple thing. But it is not right, those who say that the channel can not be public television, as money – from the budget. Let’s take a look at the Bi-bi-si.
Bi-bi-si: However, in the case of the British Broadcasting Corporation Press connection the authorities are not so obvious , as in OTR. The Director-General shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees, there is a certain financial independence …
AL: How many years there is a Bi-bi-si?
Bi-bi-si: Since the beginning of the 20s of the last century.
AL: I am convinced that it will take maybe two or three years and there is a technological solution to this problem [of appointment of the Director of OTP]. This is only the beginning. Then maybe people in this position will also be elected.
“ It is foolish to exaggerate the external signs. main public television – the query execution [of society]. We are guided by this. ”
Speaking of funding, Bi-bi-si collects a special payment. But what is the fundamental difference [with OTP]? After all the money that gets the OTP is not the money of Putin and Medvedev, which we give out in the hallway in an envelope. This funding through the state budget, approved by law. This is the same amount of money citizens.
And if I, for one, do not want to see Bi-bi-si, then I’m still behind the screen would have to pay. As in the case of public television in Germany, I can not refuse.
Bi-bi-si: What will be funded OTP in the future? It was assumed that the target will be built capital.
AL: I do not know. But as long as the target capital is not obtained. There is a historical experience and historical traditions. It will take time, be all settled down. Need to develop systems of social contract. You should see the tradition of donations.
general, criticize – easily. Harder to come in and say, what and how to do it. How, for example, Vladimir Vladimirovich. [Posner] can call himself an independent journalist, receiving money from the Channel?
Bi-bi-si: Do you believe in the existence of independent TV channels?
AL: No, this is – an abstraction. I always tell my students that they can do independent television. Buy a camera, make a transfer and show homes. On one condition – the camera has to be bought with your money. However, if you bought it with the money of the wife or parents, or display material criticizing the wife or parents, this is not an independent television. Is television can be independent of the viewer?
Bi-bi-si: It is believed that the OTP was conceived as a channel for a political project – the second term of Dmitry Medvedev. But then, when it became clear who will go to the polls, the search began for some new TV format. How do you comment?
AL.: I am always very cautious about our alleged political scientists. The idea of ??creating public television was in the air for twenty years. Not by chance in the mid-1990s was created channel, called “Public Russian Television” – ORT. Today, the project began to develop after treatment of ex-President Dmitry Medvedev to the Federal Assembly [in 2011]. Then start the game officials.
Bi-bi-si: At the same time, critics note a certain strangeness channel objectives pursued by the OTP. The main goal marked the development of civil society. In this online TV channel called OTP means “open and direct communication between the authorities and the citizens of Russia.” These extensive and serious purpose, rather, are suitable for any political party …
AL: We – non-partisan channel. We set ourselves the task of education as to what is civil society. We must learn to discuss these issues. A parallel to this, we talk about the news of culture, science and technology. It disappeared from the field of interest of the other channels. It is on niche channels that few people watching. OTP – an educational channel.
scandal surrounding “The Social Network”
So we recorded with Kate Wednesday edition, which is alive and well in my opinion discussed the resignation Sobyanin. And harmless, and in my opinion at all prosobyaninski.
Calledalready a vice-mayor of the poor management and complained to the OTP.
Today we tried even more, and inspired by
made a video version of the listing about fotochki Putin for Program at all, the whole, entirely removed from the air.
class! Keep it up! But without us, finalizing the contract until June 30, and so far.
Record Vladislav Sorokin Facebook June 7
Bi-bi-si: More on the channel’s website says that “broadcasting OTR free from political and commercial, domestic and external censorship.” A recent scandal erupted when the two leaders of the program “The Social Network” – Ekaterina Voronina and Vladislav Sorokin – accused the OTP censorship in connection with the plot of the Putin divorced couple. Still, there is censorship?
AL: The bottom line is that the two leading just wanted propiaritsya. What really happened? Host of “The Social Network” in the plot, concerning the forthcoming elections of the mayor of Moscow before the start of the official campaign, unveiled one of the potential candidates and said that she can not stand Sergei Sobyanin. And it went on the air. The only remark he made was this: not yet officially launched the campaign, such things do not accepted.
Then one of the leading “The Social Network” wrote in Twitter, we have made a point about the story about the mayor, and that he allegedly called the vice-mayor of Moscow. I do not think they called the vice-mayor. He would have called me. He called me, but in other cases. I’ve known him for so many years. And I think I have the right to talk to him. He told me that we have been campaigning before the election campaign. He did not show any complaints, just said that there is a law under which the election campaign begins from the moment of its announcement. But the story did not shoot anybody. The boys immediately put it in Twitter, writing that they are oppressed.
Another circumstance was of a technical nature related to the fact that our sites are scattered in five locations in the capital. Of the four sites bring materials to pass them on the air. One time we were forced to replace “The Social Network” because the disk on which it was written, was not read. And we said that we need to take the program for a day or 12 hours. And the next day they tore down this time. I ordered off the air program, putting a replacement.
Infilmed material that went the next day, Monday, was the subject of divorce Putin. He was such a stebny – about the fact that Putin is now idle and put on a dating site such and such pictures. I said I do not like him, and I would not want to show it for one simple reason: When people get divorced – that is their personal business. Gloating and banter about it contain an element of impropriety.
I do not like this story, and I wanted to take it off. I have the right to do so, as editor in chief? As a result, on Monday the program showed no story about divorce. Therefore during this time, they did what they wanted, and no one makes any claims.
In one case. Leading appeared on the air with a big tattoo on his shoulder. I told them that our audience is not very used to it.
I will not build a channel where each journalist will be able to claim … Please criticize, but then go out of the team. And work and then write on Twitter about the fact that they are oppressed.
Bi-bi-si: In the end, they leave with the TV channel?
AL: They said go, but the statements I have not seen. Frankly, I work with them I do not. And by the way, of the whole team ["Social Network"] – 43 people – they have not been supported. I believe that they have violated the principles of corporate responsibility. I think that the BBC BBC would have happened the same thing.
Bi-bi-si: What are the main features of your television?
AL: First, it is television, which tells about the life of the country. No murders, fires, not “dance floor” – a meeting of heads with each other – this month on the air, we did not have any such plot, and none of us does not require them.
me, by the way, sometimes even hurts that there are no instructions. No one calls and says that to show and what not. We work and show what we think is necessary – the daily life of the country.
Some of my colleagues with such disdain said: “They showed some fire department of the clergy” [one of the subjects OTP]. I’m not a very religious person, but the clergy are engaged in a very good thing, providing fire safety unique wooden monastery and trees that is located nearby. And nearby there is no other shelter. This is – a beautiful story.
“ This TV as we do, no entertainment and sports look around 2%. This is the channel” Culture “. “
And we the only ones who showed the story of how [in a Russian city] closed hearth furnaces. From an environmental perspective it is good, but on the other hand, we show that the parallel material in what position were now residents of the city. In my view, this is a civil matter.
We show stories of what people are building something to help disabled children. For example, we did a program about the adaptation of children with abnormal development. This is a very difficult problem. Now discussing the theme of stigma these children from many of the parents of other children. There are lots of issues that are of real interest of society. That’s it and deals with OTP.
Our channel is also different in that it does not scream. We laid it from the beginning – we will not cry. We want people to learn to listen to each other. We write what we do quiet TV. From this, people have lost the habit.
We have a lot of attention is paid to the periphery. Russia – a huge country, and, unfortunately, our television – is television, Moscow, St. Petersburg and two or three other major cities. We tell about the life of a small town, and this trend will grow.
Right now [pointing to the television panel hanging on the wall of his office] is a program of the village council. They’ve got some difficult conflicts. It seems ridiculous – a village council … But such councils in the country would pluck hundreds, if not thousands. On the other channels you can barely see it.
Our TV should also play a more educational role, explaining to people what civil society, showing that a person has not only the right but also the responsibility. We’re also going to talk about the mistakes and the civil society. Today Europe is faced with many of its costs. No one knows what to do with it. But we need to talk about it, so we do not repeat them, too.
Bi-bi-si: Many were surprised by your words that channel rating will not be higher than 2-2.5%. You really do not want to get into more?
AL: These are not my words. This is – the world practice. This TV as we do, no entertainment and sports look around 2%. It’s like the channel “Culture”. The same things are in Germany and Canada. This television socially active part of the population older than 25 years. Because up to 25 years, it has already gone there [nods in the direction of the monitor], and from there we have it, I’m afraid not to pull. Socially active layer – a maximum of 4%. But of course, if the channel rating would be higher – would be pleased.
Bi-bi-si: You mentioned the “culture.” What is the main difference between the OTP from the “Culture”?
AL: NEG – more socially oriented television channel. In this culture, and we have a very well presented. We are practically the only channel that talks about the new books. The story behind the cultural life of the periphery. We have a big block, even exaggeratedly large, about science.
Bi-bi-si: The channel will change from September, when it will end test broadcasting?
AL: Of course. Part of gears leave. There will be new transmission, about six or seven lines.
Bi-bi-si: Financial Future channel already defined?
AL: No, not a very difficult financial situation. We have to somehow running out, but “The Social Network” will not close.
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