Monday, July 18, 2016

Oddity, which taught me the TV – IA

So, what does this teach me bad TV?

From early childhood, I hear the debate about the dangers and benefits of cow’s milk. Scientists disguise themselves to infinity and approximately every six months or a year diametrically changed its attitude to the product. I, frankly, confused for a long time, and I drink, do not drink.

The next number will call the opportunity to pick up an infection from the door handle. One uncle blurted out in a white coat with a display of probability tsapanut hepatitis from the usual door handle in a supermarket. Since then, I get into the sleeve on hand and open the door, as it were, in a protected form.

By the same topic shall carry viruses spread by airborne droplets. The television show was told that after a sneeze, cough drops are hanging in the space of seconds to 30. So I squeeze the breath is some eccentric sneeze in public places and, afraid that can not stand half a minute to change their place of dislocation.

The goods on the shelves. One day a friend noticed how long and hard I choose products. Realizing that this oddity, I shyly something rattled him. In fact, it is important ochchchen. One man explained to the screen of the Estonian fascism and marches retired SS, about the Red Army monuments that dumped into pits in Poland. In no event it is impossible to buy their products, so as not to support the ruble, these antics. From this and the constant delays in shop windows. The body is aging and shaped as letters into small packages. It is impossible to miss the enemy in a trash basket.

Wearing a cell phone. TV said someone’s voice, as if to carry the phone in a pants pocket is harmful to one body, and in your shirt pocket – for another. I have not found anything better, and began to carry the phone in his hand. Hand I do not feel so sorry for how other. On the same night is recommended to place the handset does not close a meter from his head. To comply with this rule, and I dragged home the old battery and began to put the phone for him. It in fact lead, which will protect me from the harmful radiation.

Keeping the microwave with the door open. On the one hand it is hygienic. After all, if it is ventilated and dry up, on the other – experts do not recommend. It’s de hurt her.


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