Since childhood, all accustomed to, that there are things that can not be done, because
they are harmful for the eyes. For example, look at the weld or in the sun,
wear someone else’s glasses, long time in front of TV screen
or computer, his eyes fixed to the tip of the nose. Whether these
rules of scientific data and experience of doctors? We asked the ophthalmologist
“Fantasy” Children’s Hospital of Vadim Bondar and medical journalist Daria
Sargsyan to explain how things really matter.
In the welding and the truth is harmful to watch? For good reason welders wear a mask.
Yes, of course, the welding is better not to watch. This may result in photokeratitis. In fact, it’s sunny corneal burns (eyes transparent membrane covering the iris). After 6-12 hours after exposure to ultraviolet radiation death of corneal cells will lead to extremely unpleasant symptoms such as eye pain, photophobia, and unable to open his eyes. Fortunately, after a three-day everything has to go through it all. And as far as we know, irreversible consequences occur rarely.
A look at the sun is dangerous? From this, you can go blind
It is unlikely that you will go blind, but it can hurt yourself – because of the sun, too, can earn photokeratitis. It is not necessary have to look directly at the sun: when the sunlight is reflected from a surface, one gets additional exposure to ultraviolet radiation and the risk of damage to eyesight. This is particularly dangerous in terms of snow: it can represent up to 80 percent of ultraviolet radiation. Reflection from water and sand, too dangerous.
If you look at the sun for a long time, you can get a serious damage to the retina and then spend the rest of life, for example, with a dark spot in front of his eyes. This happens, for example, when people observe the eclipse without special protection.
If you always walk in sunshine without good sunglasses that block ultraviolet rays spectra of A and B (UVA- and UVB-rays), it is more likely to develop cataracts in old age. And, perhaps, there will be macular degeneration. Both of these conditions lead to loss of vision.
In younger people who do not protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation, usually develops pterygium. It conjunctival tissue growing on the cornea (the photo). However, in general, the pterygium is rare. In the mild form of the disease can dispense drugs in the remaining cases need surgery.
Let’s now about monitors. For now, almost all sitting front of a screen all day!
Surprisingly, the science does not know anything about the irreparable harm that can be applied to the eyes, if you work all day at a computer. Yes, sometimes people have a so-called computer vision syndrome (a formulation uses the American Optometric Association, in today’s International Classification of Diseases of the condition is not present). The symptoms are: blurred vision, eye fatigue, headache, pain in the neck and shoulders. This is in particular due to the fact that during operation of the computer people blink less and less, and because it dries mucosa. The glare on the screen, smudged, lighting failure – all of which can cause discomfort, and to choose the ideal conditions for the eyes, you need to experiment with focusing on medical advice. If the problem does not go away, there may be medical causes discomfort. For example, the case may be convergence insufficiency syndrome.
What is the convergence of
In simple terms: when a person reduces eye – this is convergence. It is not even about the “eye in the bunch” state – people slightly reduce eye every day, just do not notice it. Usually when a person is reading a book or looking at a short distance, his eyes barely come to the nose. When looking into the distance, they are parallel. At insufficiency of convergence man can not long retain information eye – and one eye all the time drives off to his temple. It causes unpleasant sensations that are usually blamed on eye fatigue.
And when extinguished the light you can watch the show?
If you do it does not cause discomfort, can. Medicine does not know about the difficulties of long-term eye health due to work with the monitor in the dark
Recently, two similar curious cases were described:. Two women went to a doctor with complaints of temporary loss of vision in one eye. After numerous studies have shown that both the patient in bed reading news on the smartphone, and one eye is covered with a pillow, and the other looks at the screen. So when one of the women got up and turn on the lights (the second patient experienced blurred vision at night), one eye turned out to be adapted to the light, the other – there is no need to for a while, so he got used to the lighting change. It was a temporary effect, and overall health of the eye such a habit is not affected.
Slide the eye to the nose is harmful? Or parents lied to me?
Do not be fooled,
and wrong. No, shifting his eyes to the nose is not bad, but if you do it for a long time, can be painful. The syndrome of convergence insufficiency even have this exercise: to look at a pencil and brings it to his nose
A read lying down, you can
Yes.?. At least, no arguments against no. And even it has been shown in a small study that people who usually read lying on your back, slowly progressing myopia.
harmful to children to wear someone else’s glasses?
Not really. Unless, of course, the child will not go to other people’s glasses constantly. This can lead to various disorders – such as myopia (nearsightedness) or amblyopia (a violation is also called “lazy eye,” because one eye is almost not involved in the visual process). If an adult begins to wear someone else’s glasses, he will begin to tire the eye and can cause other discomfort.
If daylight turn an ordinary bulb, it does not hurt?
No, science is not yet known that a combination of artificial and natural light can damage eyesight. The spectrum includes the spectrum of sunlight used in household lamps. Potentially dangerous is the blue light, but the data on it are contradictory.
How to protect eyes?
There are some simple tips that can help reduce the risk of eye diseases, especially in older people. These tips are actually quite versatile and are suitable for the prevention of many other diseases. What should I do?
- No smoking. From this increases the risk of macular degeneration and the development of other diseases.
- There are more fruits and vegetables. This helps prevent the development of cataracts.
- Wear sunglasses (lenses with UV filter – it is also good, but they protect the worse)
- Maintain a healthy weight. If the age of a person will develop type 2 diabetes, then it may cause damage to the retina and consequently blindness.
- Walk. There is evidence that people who spend more time on the street, less likely to develop myopia. And if it is, then the condition worsens slowly. However, while the study apply only to children.
The effectiveness of blueberries, carrots and gymnastics to the eye in the fight against eye diseases has not been proved
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