Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Ramzan Kadyrov is looking for an assistant on a TV – TVNZ

President of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov announced casting – requires official. Or rather – the head of the Strategic Development Agency Chechnya . The man who invented the future for the country. The selection of profiles is still ongoing. And then the 12 selected candidates Razmanov Kadyrov will fight for the seat. “ CP ” briefly explain why you should watch the show “team”.

Personal request Kadyrov

It is difficult to deny Ramzan Akhmatovich, right? But he personally asked for a strong and worthy, if they have the desire to take the chair of the regional minister, to send the application

-. We invite the best of Russians to participate in the competition – said Ramzan Kadyrov . – Those who want to serve as a Russian , we welcome in the Chechen Republic the best of the best

will be selected to conduct a serious team Kadyrov minded Photo: frame with video

Where such was ever heard of? To without specialized education, without the protection of government officials took office on this level! Now everyone has the opportunity to try. The candidate must be an adult, male or female – it does not matter. Just do not ask about religion. Education can be of any type. But the key selection criteria – a large-scale thinking, dedication, organizational skills, ability to plan, negotiate, take a creative, courageous individual solutions

on Chechnya Inside Look

About Chechnya. Opinion is usually stereotyped. Republic supposedly closed and delve into the details of her life, no desire. Show “team” gives the opportunity to

Chechen President will be glad to accept anyone who wants to serve the country Photo:. frame with video

– Chechnya showed an example of “Russian miracle” – says the producer of the project Natalia Nikonov . – This republic, which for a decade has risen from the ashes of war and changed to a shine and recognition. But so can the whole country. And Ramzan Kadyrov wants to show by example. We want to understand how they did it? To do this, and we invite to join Kadyrov’s team. Of course, we got a lot of applications from Chechens who live in the country and abroad. For them, the way is open as well as to all worthy.

Applications around the world

Who has not sending the questionnaire in “team”.

– Profiles come from all over the world: Russia, the United States , Canada , the country’s page , Europe and even Iceland , – told the “KP “leading the project Boris Korchevnikov. – And the spectrum of response to the question “Why you?” Is extremely broad. Young doctor wants to extend its medical project in the entire Chechen Republic. Another candidate during a video message continually tightened and told how he beat diabetes and alcoholism, and how utterly willing to work in the service of Ramzan Kadyrov. There is also a trainer in psychology, who provided commentary on love: “I have brought the world to a few families.” Someone sends an appeal in verse, some in the form of rap. From the Irkutsk the application came from a female obstetrician …

Unusual participants

The first wave profiles was more emotional response of those who saw in the project romance. But recently, the creators of the project process more business applications from candidates who have already built a serious career – are businessmen, former security officials and the owners of well-known brands – clothes, the restaurant business and even dry cleaners

Candidates must be prepared for anything, including a sudden dance Photo: frame with video

– Anatoly went to friends in Chechnya from Ryazan , – leafing through profiles, voiced by Boris Korchevnikov. – When I saw the beauty of nature Caucasus , its traditions and customs, in the head crept into the idea of ​​moving to a Terrible permanently ( it is a prerequisite of the competition for who will win – Author).. He regrets that there is not a lot of tourists and they do not see how the lives and the region! Zlata of Moscow , 26 years old, wrote that his first million it earned in 19 years, is ready to develop a program for the modernization of air transportation in the Chechen Republic. Cyril was born in Arkhangelsk , but graduated in Shanghai and now conducts business there. Willing to become a participant in the project, to be useful to Kadyrov in international trade. Dmitry only 29, but already runs a large international corporation in western Siberia and Urals . He wants to use the unique features of the Chechen Republic and to turn them into concrete business projects. From the China application sent the man in the video thoroughly investigate the socio-demographic problems of Chechnya. He wants to eliminate them. Many of the results of his labor – built house, planted a tree. There architect of Baku . Active residents write Israel . From Iceland, I wrote a man who overcame drug addiction and is ready to implement this experience in the Chechen Republic. Sent request and the man who is engaged in the revival of the Cossacks in the Kuban .

History online

In addition to the practical purpose of the project and carries strategically important function. We have a chance to see how the birth of a new milestone in the history of the Chechen Republic

-. This project works on a key Chechen traditions – hospitality and warmth, – says one of the key members of the team Kadyrov Muslim Khuchiyev. – Chechnya Ramzan opens for Russia. He wants to completely erase the tragic page 90. It may be just the project “Team” and will be an eraser that erases this page.

The collection of applications is ongoing. The questionnaire can be filled in on the project site or dictate over the phone 8 (499) 995-23-37. The final selection is scheduled for July 22. It is a day when it is determined dozen candidates who poboryuts and I am for the official seat.

The project is preparing to start broadcasting of TV channel “Russia 1″ at the end of August.


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