permanent leader vandal-rock band (their own words) “Bakhyt-Compote”, the author of many poems, including the famous lyric group “Bravo” “King Orange summer” and “Good evening, Moscow”, the Grand Master of the Order of the self-proclaimed kurtuaznyh Mannerist – it’s all about him, Vadim Stepantsova. Recently, led by his “gang” has released a greatest hits compilation under the sonorous name “fastening compote rejuvenating apples.” Hot on the heels of release poet and musician answered the questions of “culture.”
culture: How did the idea to finally prepare an official compilation of hits? Why is this idea germinated for so long?
Stepantsov: Well, actually, it has existed for quite a long time, just now, probably, the stars are aligned. We made a proposal – and after that, as they say, a trick.
I hope the record has appeared in a timely manner, as most of our albums license afternoon with fire will not find. After all, shelves, selling CDs, there are fewer, and those who once held, offer a mainstream recording, replicable artists. A group of “Bakhyt-Compote” never was not.
culture: frequently give concerts?
Stepantsov: Let’s just say regularly. I have in fact, in addition to “Compote”, there are two more projects. One of them, “Burlesque Stepantsov and Orchestra” is a chamber ensemble (bass, guitar, drums) with which the advocate for small institutions. And the other, “Bedlam-Chapel” – verse-romance. It also amuses me soul.
culture: Yes, that writing poetry is the main activity of Vadim Stepantsova well known. What is an average day, the modern poet?
Stepantsov: If previously oppressed television, but now – “Facebook” and “VKontakte”. And while there get anywhere, you will not notice how the whole day went. I try to find at this time to read – whether it’s fiction or non-fiction. It’s about everyday aspects of the question. If we talk about creativity, it periodically makes poetry collections. Another thing is that previously worked with major publishers, and now switched to underground form of poetic existence – print small thin little book that is easy to carry in your pocket.
culture: What is fueling the creative process? What determines the quality and quantity of produced lines? Poems for you – the fruit of inspiration, or the result of the ordinary, usual work?
Stepantsov: Do not write, I certainly can. But if you do not do this for a long time, I feel that I was starting to get sick, there is an inner sense of acidification. The source of inspiration for me are, of course, the classics. However, contemporaries there, he will learn something. It is not always good, but it’s a different story. You can not live in society and at the same time be free from it.
culture: In the song” Punk “from the last album has the following lines: “I could not imagine in a nightmare, that I was a Ukrainian – not his brother.” Do you think that will end sometime this madness?
Stepantsov: Only when skovyrnetsya junta and illegitimate government today will be discarded. The last quarter of a century is the most insane actively muck. As my friend Mitja Shahin: “Yes, what is it – how you come to Ukraine, including a TV, and there is always taldychat” Holodomor, the famine. ” So, when people finish brainwash about their exceptional famine, there will be hope.
By the way, we recently performed at the Republic Day in Donetsk and we are going to re-visit this city. June 26 we have scheduled a concert there. It is assumed that on the same stage with us will act Iosif Kobzon. About two years ago I would have been horrified at the thought of such a creative alliance, but today, Joseph Davidovich seems to me a much more rock ‘n’ roll guy, than many of the “official” rock musicians.
culture: stebovyh intonations pronounced in the works “Bakhyt-Compote” rasslyshit not only deaf. However, your best things created outside of this group, quite different properties. Tell us how there were “King Orange Summer” and “Good Evening, Moscow”. whether it is often turn to you with a request to write lyrics for a song?
Stepantsov: In recent years, rare as artists – the people rather strange, they basically talk on the principle: “Go there, do not know where, bring it, I do not know that.” Therefore, my attempt to renew contact with the “Bravo” in the face of Eugene Havtan success, alas, was not crowned. All the best songs of the band were written long ago, and the “King Orange Summer” – one of them. That was my first experience with “Bravo”, and probably the most successful. On the new album “Bakhyt-Compote” thing, it may be overwritten – a bonus track will present the latest version of the author. I hope, for many it will appear in an unexpected angle. To give the seed a few lines:
King Orange Summer,
Hammer of the sun, like brass knuckles,
According to our violent heads …
By the way, with the lyrics sometimes perform and the musicians themselves “Bravo” – are pulled in this way. We live it, too, often play.
culture: When do you plan to release a new album?
Stepantsov: It is almost “to give birth”, will be released probably in the mid – late August. On September 10, we are presenting it in Yotaspace club. So now we try to concerts specifically not waste your time – do the final touches to the album. Also kopim forces and popular patience to everything went as expected in September. Those fans who do not have enough patience, welcome to the July 1 concert at rumochnaia “Zyuzin.”
culture: You have a very smooth, rhythmic verse. What conclusion is that in most cases the fundamental principle for the songs “Bakhyt-Compote” is poetry: first create a text, then it is applied music.
Stepantsov: So it is. I used to imagine how fast song should sound, how about the character and mood, it should have. Showing kids text, and after that begin their work: they are responsible for the balance of chords, arrangements and other plucked instruments, keyboards. I am a composer rather primitive: I can certainly write some psevdoshansonovy motive, but sometimes it works, as, for example, in the song “Eighth of March – wacky holiday”, and sometimes – not.
culture: In ordinary life, Vadim Stepantsov the same as it appears in the lyrics of his songs: sprightly, rollicking, hohmyaschy and pinned? Or is it much more difficult?
Stepantsov: I, frankly, gloomy, bilious type. Wesel is very rare and is usually surrounded by beautiful ladies. But since I’m a married man, beautiful ladies do not always dare to approach me.
culture: it is known that at the Literary Institute your seminar led Leo Oshanin. What are the best memories of this man?
Stepantsov: We do not interfere with each other, so to speak. The group had plucked as it seemed to me, very helpless, I was quite small erepenisty with ambition. But Lev Ivanovich I appreciate, and I treated him with respect. Another thing that did something I do not precisely to Oshanina and the institute for higher humanitarian education. Although, I confess, it was full of bums who hang out and beat thumbs pears.
culture: Do you sing: “Punk or sdyhaet or becomes more beautiful.” I understand that it is reinterpreted Nietzsche’s famous aphorism: “What does not kill us makes us stronger.” This is the principle of your life?
Stepantsov: An interesting observation, although the thought of Nietzsche has not crossed my mind when I wrote this song. Here, perhaps, all is easier: some choose the path Bezbashenny Sid Vicious, while others turn into thick cheerful clowns like Johnny Rotten (the band Sex Pistols. – «Culture» ). I perforce stopped on the second version: apparently vital juices in me was more than those who chose to become an alcoholic and cobble together
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