Friday, January 13, 2017

Television in Russia remains main source of news – survey – +Constantinople+

Apple has applied for a new patent that get the mouth watering, among the world’s tekniknördar. According to Newsweek, which refer to the site AppleInsider, IT giant have applied for protection for a new design, which in this case would be the first in the world.


DagensPS.see have previously written about the speculation surrounding what has been described as "the biggest news in years" when it comes to the Iphone and, before that, about chinese Xiaomis flagship Mi Mix that got prylfantaster to rejoice. And now it appears, therefore, that Apple seriously working on a breakthrough: to provide next to the phone – presumably called the "Iphone 8" – a ramlös touch screen and a body made entirely of glass.

True, the data seems Apple then cracked the nuts to place both cameras and the speakers behind a touch screen. If it all becomes a reality, however, is not safe. Apple applied already in 2014 the patent for a foldable Iphone that are thus not yet reached the market, ” states Newsweek.

don’T MISS: the Best mobiles in 2016 – Iphone 7 is not in the top [] >

ALSO READ: Prylfest: the Year’s 100 greatest inventions [] >


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